Dave Bautista Happy To Move On From 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Role, Not His 'Legacy'
By Kay on January 5, 2023 at 9:30 PM EST
Dave Bautista doesn’t want his Guardians character Draxto become his legacy. He is now eager to move on to different projects.
Dave Bautista Is Relieved To Be Finished With Drax

In addition to confirming that this is his last appearance as Drax in the films, Bautista says that he is also relieved that this time in his life is over with. The actor sat down with GQ and spilled the beans about moving on to other projects.
Bautista insists he is grateful for the leg up and acknowledges that this series of films put him on the map in acting but he is willing to admit that he is happy he no longer has to endure all the hoopla around getting ready to play the character.
Dave Bautista Hated The Makeup

One of the most annoying things about the role for the former WWE wrestler was getting in the makeup chair. “It wasn't all pleasant,” he claims. “It was hard playing that role. The makeup process was beating me down.”
Bautista also pointed out that he is transitioning into more serious roles and wants to put stuff like this behind him. He recently appeared in Glass Onion, and he is set to appear in Dune: Part II and Knock At The Cabin this year. “I just don’t know if I want Drax to be my legacy,” says Bautista boldly.
The actor went on to elaborate on the performance of the popular alien hero. “It's a silly performance, and I want to do more dramatic stuff.” For him, it’s more about the craft of acting and not the money so he is willing to leave a billion-dollar franchise.
Dave Bautista Wants ‘Respect’ From His ‘Peers’

As we mentioned, Bautista is a true actor he does it for the love of the craft and explains this explicitly in the GQ interview. “Honestly, I could give a f**k,” he says of the money he made playing Drax.
“I don’t live a great big glamorous life. I live here in Tampa. I don’t care about the spotlight, I don’t care about fame.” Bautista continues, “I just want to be a better actor. I want respect from my peers.”
Bautista made it clear that he loves Marvel and all they did for him. But in an interview back in 2021, he was singing a different tune. He told Collider that Marvel “dropped the ball” with Drax by not focusing on his lore, Drax the Destroyer.
“That’s no dig on Marvel. They had their slate, I know what they’re focused on, that’s what they have [it] slated out,” he says. “But man, I think they really missed the ball on Drax. He has such a great backstory.”
Dave Bautista Has A Goal

His career seems to be moving on up and Bautista is happy about that. He hopes that in time, directors like Denis Villeneuve who he is working on Dune: Part II will see him as a competitive actor.
“If I could be a number one [on the callsheet] with Denis, I would do it for f***ing free,” he insists. He credits the director with making him a better actor. “I think that’s how I could find out how good I could be,” he says.
He goes on to say Villeneuve “brings out the best in me. He sees me in a different light, sees the performer that I want to be. That might be how I solve the puzzle.” As for M. Night Shyamalan’s Knock At The Cabin, Bautista is really excited about this one.
“It’s by far the most I’ve ever spoken in a film,” he says of the movie that hits theatres February 3. He really pushed for perfect shots and the best performance he could get out of Bautista