Chris Evans Has Some Great Advice For 'Noisy Brains' & Instagram Laps It Up
By Rima Pundir on September 3, 2020 at 5:29 AM EDT
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Chris Evans is not just Captain America in the Avengers' series, he seems to a real life hero as well, quietly helping his fans and followers live a better life.
Whether it's through helping a kid here or starting a website there, or more recently posting advice about 'noisy brains', this is one guy who wants to make a difference in the world in the real sense of the word.
And his 5.6 million fans on Instagram are appreciative of his heroism, even it doesn't have the same flair as that of Captain America's.
Evans Wants To Save Democracy

Known for his blistering anti-Trump comments, Evans is taking it slow in 2020, putting his work where is words were.
He, along with tech entrepreneur Joe Kiani and actor-producer Mark Kassen, who is also a long-time bud, launched a website called A Starting Point, in a bid to better educate the American public on who to vote for.
Evans' hope is to save democracy by letting people see the true side of the politicians they are voting for and help them make a better choice.
Fans Appreciate His Hard Work

Fans were blown away by Evans' contribution and hard work, commenting, "?❤️This has been so badly needed for so long, thank you for giving it to us. If only other countries would do the same then globally we might stand more of a chance."
The website is already getting plenty of footfalls and fans have been requesting Evans to put in specific politicians on as well, wanting to know more before they decide to put in their vote.
Here's Chris Evans talking about the website with Chris Cuomo.
Brain Noise Should Be Ignored

When not advising people on how to vote better, Evans talks about noisy brains and what to do with them.
In a taped interview, Evans is asked what would he tell his 12-year-old self. And Evans says that he might be oversimplifying it but it was really profound, as he gestured and said, "shush".
He carried on, "It's been a big thing for me. Shush, because I have a really noisy brain."
Watch Evans talk about his noisy brain and what to do with it...
Chris Evans Feels You Are More Than What You Think

What Evans tries to say through the video is that what the brain tells you to do or says about you is not what you are. People are more than just their brain noise, and he says it in his beautiful, well-modulated voice, slaying Instagram and leaving fans wanting more.
Wrote one of Evans' followers, "Very true. My brain is my biggest enemy."
Another comment read, "you’re amazing. we love you, hope you’re doing great through these hard times. <3".
Meanwhile, if you did not like Chris Evans enough already, here's him with his pooch on International Dog Day...