Pokimane's Secret Boyfriend? xQc Says Stay Out Of It
By TheBlast Staff on August 21, 2020 at 10:24 AM EDT
Pokimane's Secret Boyfriend? xQc Says Stay Out Of It
Instagram | pokimanelol
As Pokimane’s boyfriend controversy revs up, fellow streamer xQc has come out of the woodwork with sage insights. His statements put the spotlight on just how YouTube, Twitch, and similar platforms allow ordinary people to put themselves out there and become big stars. And how their followers start to dive into every aspect of their lives, feeling like they are reading all their favorites like an open book.
But, upon putting themselves in the public eye, do streamers have a right to privacy? And where can they draw the line? That argument is playing out in real time right now due to the whole boyfriend fiasco. To help clear it all up, xQc has chimed in with hope that expectations of streamers will change, giving them a modicum of privacy in the coming months and years.
Big Time Boyfriend Controversy

When YouTube streamer Leafy (LeafyIsHere) dropped the bomb about Pokimane’s supposed secret boyfriend, the internet started reeling. Her subscriptions took a nosedive, the reaction videos started in earnest, and Pokimane herself went running for the hills. Many people were quite mad as they felt they were deceived about her single status, keeping their hopes up as they tried to earn the top spot in her heart.
xQc Believes in Privacy for Pokimane

Once the critiques started rolling in, like from Keem (KEEMSTAR) on Twitter, xQc decided that he’s had quite enough. Known best for streaming Overwatch like a boss, xQc used his platform to come to the defense of Pokimane. While speaking to his 3.2 million followers, he cited human nature and jealousy as the main reason streamers and others in the public eye should keep their relationship status quiet.
Private Clip Rolls to Show No Lies Given

xQc went one step further, however, and rolled a clip from 2019 that showed Pokimane talking about how she preferred to keep her relationships, or lack thereof, well out of the public eye. In that video, she asserts that the decision was made at the start of her streaming career. And since Leafy was the one to blow the whistle on the whole thing, she definitely did her best to keep that part of her life separate.
Boyfriends Aren’t Well Received Anyway

With how the boyfriends of other streamers have been received, it seems that xQc would still defend Pokimane’s privacy even if she had lied. Both Neekolul and STPeach, for example, immediately lose their following whenever their significant others come into the picture. In STPeach’s case, she gets attacks from trolls en masse if she even dares post content with her husband in it. Neekolul, on the other hand, saw an exodus of their followers within just three days after sharing the news about her lucky guy.
Pokimane Goes on Hiatus Until Further Notice

With so much boyfriend drama swirling around the interwebs, Pokimane decided to pack it up and take a lengthy break to let it all cool down. Even with xQc and other streamers coming to her defense, she needs to take time to recharge and get back into the right mental space. To clear the slate before she logged off for now, she posted an apology video that addresses all the drama over the years.
As such a key player in the eSports world, she will likely be back sooner than you think. But for now, she’s outie and urging others to take time off from social media as well.