Check Out Tyga Woods' First Time Playing Golf! He's Flexin' On Other Golfers With Diamond Piaget Watch!
By Jeff Mazzeo on July 23, 2020 at 7:14 AM EDT
Tyga wearing diamonds and fresh gear is par for the course but there is no way he got Par with that swing!
The rapper shared his first time playing golf on Wednesday. He was looking super fresh in a striped golf shirt, white sneakers, neon green shorts, and a matching hat. Don't forget that he accessorized with a white, Titleist glove and a diamond-encrusted Piaget watch. Way more impressive than his swing was his hilarious caption.
Scroll down to see him swing for the fences.
Tyga hit a few balls for practice at the range before hitting the course. Belive it or not, his tee shot looked a lot better than his practice swings.
"First time on the Tee #TygaWoods ???," he wrote.
Get it?! Tyga instead of Tiger! It's less funny when we break it down but the rapper clearly isn't handicapped when it comes to clever captions.
His millions of fans were amused, to say the least, by the caption and the video.
"Why This cap?tion has me dying before I?the??1st time on the tee Noo Way! This ur 1st⛳️???," Post Malone's manager, Dre London commented.
Tinashe sent her support in the form of ?? emojis.
We shouldn't poke fun at the star because we can barely break 100 and we have played a lot more than Tyga has.

If you can't be the best on the course, make sure you look the best! At least that's Tyga's policy. While most golf gear is made to get sweaty and a little dirty, it would be a sin if he scratched his fancy, diamond-encrusted Piaget watch. We had trouble identifying the exact model (he likes custom pieces) but take our word for it, the watch costs a pretty penny. A Piaget watch goes for $32,000 up to "Price Available Upon Request." That's rich speak for you can't afford it... but Tyga can! We are obviously on a different level than he is but we might have opted to remove the jewelry and leave it our diamond-encrusted golf bag.

Tyga is really breaking out of his shell this year. In addition to golf, he also tried wakeboarding for the first time.
"First try..Imma get this shit tho ?," he wrote to accompany his video.
The rapper actually got up but quickly went down when he tried to go over the wake. Good thing he was wearing a life jacket.
We can't believe we didn't come up with Tyga Woods first. Keep it up, Tyga! You are bad at golf but great at social media!