
Fans Fear Britney Spears 'In Danger' With Cherry Muffins Post On Instagram

Home / Stars / Fans Fear Britney Spears 'In Danger' With Cherry Muffins Post On Instagram

By Rebecca Cukier on July 10, 2020 at 7:06 AM EDT

Britney Spears has sparked a massive – massive – wave of concern that she is unsafe and "in danger." The 38-year-old singer whose 2008-commenced conservatorship sees her father and his lawyer control her finances and other aspects of her life updated her Instagram on Thursday night. Britney's post was upbeat, centering around the "cherry muffins with brown sugar" she had made.

A quick look at the comments section shows one thing. Quite simply, that the "Toxic" singer's fans are convinced that control exerted over her sees her unable to express her true sentiments and – given the "danger" comments – that this much-loved icon is unsafe. Scroll for the post and responses.

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Britney Spears/Instagram

The photo was nothing out of the ordinary. Britney, whose 2020 standard comes with a plain wall background and her shot close up, had posed in her trademark floral crop top look, also smiling. She wrote:

"I made cherry ? muffins with brown sugar this morning …. I left them in the oven just a touch ? longer so they would be crisp ..... I prefer the BITE ??? !!!!!!!! Pssss I would show you a pic of my muffins …… but anything I make in the kitchen with my two hands goes in my stomach ????? GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!!!!" More below.

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Britney Spears/Instagram

Britney, followed by 24.9 million, sees the most-liked comment coming from Iranian personal trainer boyfriend Sam Asghari. He made a witty pun on the gym Britney admitted to burning down earlier this year. "Please turn off the oven before the gym burns down again ????????," Sam wrote.

The rest of the comments section is anything but light-hearted, though. "Modern Family" actress Sarah Hyland received over 12,000 likes for writing: "You ok Britney?"

Over 1,1900 users liked a comment reading: "Britney...if you're in danger, take photos outside with your dog. WE LOVE YOU." It didn't stop there.

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Britney Spears/Instagram

It's been less than 48 hours since Britney made headlines for fans suggesting that the singer is "not allowed" to reply to her fans – that she "can't." Fans attempting to decode a possible hidden message in the cherry muffins caption then broke down the fruit's color.

"Cherry= red someone said post red if you're not safe," one fan wrote. The thought was echoed by another fan, writing: "Wear a red shirt if you're not ok." #FreeBritney didn't manifest in upvoted comments, but the sentiment was all there. More below.

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Britney Spears/Instagram

September 2019 marked The Los Angeles Times examining the singer's conservatorship. The newspaper delved into allegations that Britney was being manipulated by the individuals in charge of her affairs. The investigation concluded that the star was not being harmed, however fans continue to feel that the blonde is caged and controlled. Seemingly-erratic Instagram posts including the star speaking in a British accent this year have also sparked mental health concerns – Britney is bipolar.

The vibe was not trolling as Britney's post gathered comments. It echoed the sentiments of worry seen earlier this week after Britney answering fan questions left her followers again worried – she didn't answer the "most-asked" question, a.k.a. is she okay.
