Britney Spears posts a sexually suggestive Christmas video

Britney Spears Slathers Herself With Cake As She Celebrates '30 Seconds Of Mars'

Home / Stars / Britney Spears Slathers Herself With Cake As She Celebrates '30 Seconds Of Mars'

By Rima Pundir on December 11, 2022 at 1:30 PM EST

Britney Spears is back on Instagram with another video, and this one is intended to make the viewers feel "a little awkward," as the 41-year-old pop star admits.

Playing to the background of "Santa Baby" from Eartha Kitt, Spears also seems to make a reference to Jared Leto, and fans are left confused, as usual. Scroll down for the video.

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What's With The Jared Leto Reference?

Why did Britney Spears make a reference to Jared Leto's band?

The video starts with Britney Spears greeting her audience with a "Hi guys," and then saying "30 seconds to Mars."

For the non-Leto fans out here, "Thirty Seconds to Mars", or "30 Seconds to Mars" is an American rock band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 1998. Jared Leto is the lead vocals, guitar, bass, and keyboards, while his brother Shannon Leto is on drums and percussion. During the course of its existence, it has undergone various line-up changes.

The first album of the band was eponymous, and the last came out in 2018, called "America." In August this year, the band also announced a commemorative 20th-anniversary version of its debut album aka. "30 Seconds to Mars."

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What's confusing is the reference here, given that all Britney does in the video is gyrate in front of a Christmas tree in a red catsuit, in rather sexually suggestive poses.

Plus, she does this to "Santa Baby" by Eartha Kitt but has no connection to "30 Seconds to Mars", or Jared Leto.

Keep reading to see what Britney does next.

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Britney Spears Claims She Deleted Instagram Accidentally!

Britney Spears says she accidentally deleted Instagram
Instagram | Britney Spears

In the caption to the video, Britney writes, "30 sec to mars !!! Yep it’s my b-day all week and I know my Instagram has been down a few times but honestly, I did the last two times myself !!! Oops … I accidentally pressed the wrong button … damn that stupid button?"

The fans and the trolls are not buying it, as one comment read: "Yeah that damn button they ask you to confirm like 100x and put a password in etc before you can actually deactivate your account?"

Another Instagram user thought they knew what was going on, "This is an old video! And you can’t accidentally delete your account. The need to overexplain everything is why I do not think this is her. Why always record in the same room, the same house? She’s a prisoner and we need to stop being naive about this."

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But plenty of others stood up for her too, with comments like:

"It’s like y’all WANT her to be not okay or something and it’s freakin weird. Leave her alone and let her handle her social media the way she freakin wants to. She’s not in danger, she just doesn’t OWE any piece of herself because she was FORCED to give it for so long. Leave her alone, say nice things and quit making up some weird narrative because you’re bored."

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Britney Spears Is OK With "Wierd To Watch" Video

Britney Spears is okay if people find her Instagram wierd
Instagram | Britney Spears

All through the video, Britney gyrates in a red body sock, kneeling and spreading her knees in sexually suggestive ways, so some fans wanted her to tone it down a bit, writing, "You are free to do what you want ofc but just wondering why does all the posing have to be so sexual suggestive all the time? Like even at this family-friendly time of year?"

Meanwhile, Britney chugs champagne from a bottle, dances around, shows the middle finger, and then decided to eat cake by digging her face in it and then slathering it all over her body.

Her caption says it all, "Jolly Santa is on his way y’all !!! My goal this year is to learn to be as COMFORTABLE with people as they are with me !!!!! I want to go to a wedding this year, grab the mic, sing a song or two, and fall down eight times !!! It’s my first year in 15 years being treated as an equal and good God I didn’t know about this NO RULE THING !!!"

She ends it with, "Pssst this video is so blurry sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ !!! Is it a little awkward or weird to watch ??? DUH 🙄 that’s the whole point!" Clearly, Britney is having fun letting her hair down, even if they are extensions, and gives two hoots about the fans wondering if she's okay!

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As one fan said, "It’s as if all these people saying "who is this, where is Britney?" Have any of you watched her old interviews, THIS IS just Britney … She’s always been goofy, always spoken in riddles, and always been an entertainer. Idk I grew up watching her, I’m older and was not a die-hard “fan”. But who couldn’t love Britney either way?"

Here's the video:
