Amber Riley Reignites Shady Feud With Lea Michele After Scathing Interview
By Kay on December 9, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST
Amber Rileycouldn’t contain her giggles when she appeared on Ziwe and was confronted about her former co-star Lea Michele and that racism debacle.
Ziwe Invited Amber Riley Onto Her Platform

The popular talk show host always brings the crazy when she has a guest on her show but something about this time was classic. Maybe it was how much fun Riley was having or maybe because it was so shady, but the host asked some hard-hitting questions about Lea and Riley had no option but to be truthful.
“Speaking of getting down in the muck, you said that one of your famous coworkers wasn't racist,” said the host referencing Riley’s 2020 IG Live where she took up for her former co-star who was being accused of being racist.
“I'm not going to say that Lea Michele is racist. That's not what I'm saying. That was the assumption because of what's going on right now in the world and it happened toward a Black person. I'm not going to say that she's racist,” Riley famously stated in the clip.
Ziwe Wanted The Truth
The funny host gave Riley the opportunity to answer that question one more time asking if she did in fact believe now that she is racist. They playfully don’t name Lea the whole clip but all signs including that interview lead to the singing sensation.
“Ohh, Ziwe. Umm ... next question. I don't even know how to answer that,” says Riley through cackling laughter. “Umm ... I don't know which coworker you're talking about. I had so many,” she shadily replies.
Ziwe pushed for a deeper answer. “Would you say that your famous coworker doesn't see race and is in fact rude to all of her coworkers?” she inquired to which Riley says, “I think that she would probably say she doesn't see race, but as we discussed earlier, everyone does.”
Ziwe Wanted To Know About The Culture On The ‘Glee’ Set

Ziwe was fascinated by the entire Glee craziness and welcomed any extra information that Riley offered up. When asked if it was a “race war” behind the scenes Riley says, “It would require different races. I was the only Black one.”
Glee was on the air from 2009 to 2015 and it was amazing. It had a loyal fan base and reworked songs that were from all walks of popular culture. In 2020, the show lost its magical glamour when one of the later cast mates accused Lea of bullying her and making racist statements.
Lea Michele Apologized AFTER The Backlash

It took her a while but the actress finally addressed the rumors making the rounds and issuing a public apology for her poor behavior.
“One of the most important lessons of the last few weeks is that we need to take the time to listen and learn about other people's perspectives and any role we have played or anything we can do to help address the injustices that they face.”
She went on to say, “While I don't remember ever making this specific statement and I have never judged others by their background or color of their skin, that's not really the point. What matters is that I clearly acted in ways which hurt other people.”
Finally, Lea addressed her privilege.
“Whether it was my privileged position and perspective that caused me to be perceived as insensitive or inappropriate at times or whether it was just my immaturity and me just being unnecessarily difficult, I apologize for my behavior and for any pain which I have caused. We all can grow and change and I have definitely used these past several months to reflect on my own shortcomings.”
It doesn’t look like Lea will live this down any time soon.