Brad Pitt's 'Worst-Performing' Film Is His Favorite Movie
By TheBlast Staff on June 23, 2020 at 6:22 AM EDT
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Brad Pitt is a rare breed: one of those memorable actors who's been in Hollywood for what seems like forever. You shouldn't have a bad time going to see a Brad Pitt movie (when it's not during the age of coronavirus).
They're not all Oscar-winners, but even Pitt has had some stinkers. Funnily enough, his worst performing movie is his favorite. Find out which one it is here.
First, we can talk about a few of the good movies, the ones you can see over and over.
There's Moneyball, when he plays Billy Beane, the manager of a baseball team that seems destined to fail, until Pitt turns the tables around on the entire system of baseball.
He makes an unpopular decision to get "so-called" second-rate players on the team, alienating everyone else, except the one guy he hires. Beane eventually leads his team down a glorious and highly entertaining path.
There's also the entire Ocean's Eleven franchise. The first one is always the best, but Brad Pitt as Rusty Ryan is good in each and every sequel.

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You could also choose his serious roles, like the first role he was really noticed in, a drifter in Thelma & Louise, or you can enjoy him in one of his "historical" pieces, like Inglourious Basterds.
If you like classic Brad, you can check out Fight Club or even Troy. But that's when Pitt thought he needed to approach things differently.
“Every shot was like, Here’s the hero! There was no mystery. So about that time I made a decision that I was only going to invest in quality stories, for lack of a better term. It was a distinct shift that led to the next decade of films.”

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The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford is Brad Pitt's favorite movie, and it's Collider's as well. The site explains that the movie, about Jesse James' final days, is "far and away, Pitt's best performance."
"It’s Pitt’s cold gravitas that carries the movie, which deserves to be regarded in the same stratosphere as Paul Thomas Anderson’s masterpiece 'There Will Be Blood."
“As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more conscious of thinking, If I am the one to play something, what can I bring that’s unique?” he told "The New York Times."

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The movie did very poorly at the box office, making only $15 million worldwide, recouping only about half of its budget. But it's Brad's favorite, because he finally felt he was doing something truly worthwhile.
“To me, it’s a statement on celebrity and wanting to make a name for yourself without any substance under that. It’s a beautiful film. It really is.”
"That was near and dear to me, as well as the 10 other people who’ve seen it," he adds.