If You Have A Cat And A Christmas Tree, Good Luck!
By Melanie VanDerveer on December 1, 2022 at 6:00 PM EST
You can have a cat or you can have a Christmas tree. You can't have both unless you enjoy moments of insanity. The cats of TikTok demonstrate just what happens when you try to be festive and put up a tree in their presence.

After one TikToker, Yoilseari, caught the cat taking the tree down, she asked for tips to make sure this doesn't happen again. "please send tips so this won’t happen again," she captioned the incriminating video of her beautiful tree being knocked over viciously by her furry friend.
Cue The Funny Comments...
"I need the 'well isn't the consequences of my own actions' on it😂," said one viewer. Another added, "“Oh no our table it’s ruined!” 😂😂😂😂 Kinda moment." One viewer tried to help the cat out by saying, "Video is reversed, cat actually helped set up the tree."
One person pointed out that the other cat just sat there and watched the drama unfold, "The other cat is looking like "bruhhh how the heck you do that?!" 😳😂" Many other followers took to the comment section to make sure the cat was okay since the tree landed right on him. Spoiler alert: the cat was just fine. The tree however, will remember that moment for a lifetime.

The Battle Of Cat Vs. Tree
TikToker Magical Travel by Amanda posted a warning to all cat and Christmas tree owners. "Yearly reminder to secure your trees! 😂," she captioned her hilarious video illustrating the war on her Christmas tree while the dog watches before running away. The video received more than 3 million views and tons of hilarious comments.
"The cat said 'there’s only room for one star,'" one viewer noted. "The dogs like 'mom I told him to stop he wouldn’t listen🙄,'" another person wrote. One follower helped the dog out by saying, "The dog got the video so you won’t blame him 🤣"

Are There Cats Who Don't Want To Kill The Tree?
Mr. Milo's Adventures showed a different side to the cat vs. tree. In a video shared on their Tiktok page, they show the cat taking in the beauty of the tree and possibly contemplating just how and when to take it down. "We were worried about putting a Christmas tree up but he loves it," words across the video reads.
Viewers had some funny things to say about this situation. "He's waiting for you to go to sleep. So you can have a wonderful surprise in the morning 😂," one person said. Another follower could relate to the calm moment between cat and tree saying, "Same! Maybe they decided this year to give us a break and not mess with tree lol but then again they may destroy it before December."
Many others hopped into the comments to share their cat vs. tree stories. "Mine take the ornaments off and all I hear all night is ornaments rolling around 😅😂😂😂 you’re lucky lol," one viewer explained.
That First Christmas With A Cat Is A Lesson
TikToker Dilly Pickle, or midnightx077, is experiencing their first Christmas with a cat, and it seems the cat is enjoying the tree's presence very much. In the video, viewers see the cat just relaxing in the middle of the tree, and occasionally playing with the ornaments. Thousands of their followers left comments on how to deal with the cat in the tree, or just to make a hilarious comment because it's relatable material.
"Just accept it, the Christmas tree is a cat toy," one person said. Another added, "Cat to the owner: OMG is this my new toy cause I love it 😅."
This Cat Has The Christmas Spirit
TikToker Pure Lush Pets also shared a video of a cat hanging out in the middle of a decorated Christmas tree. "When the cats becomes concerning is when the true christmas spirit starts😂🐈🎄🎁," the caption of their video reads.
One viewer thinks there could be a solution to the cat vs. tree dilemma saying, "A company would be really smart to design trees with shelves inside for the cats. 😂😂😂😂😂 Just accept fate lol" Another viewer noted the cat's thoughts, "I look sooo good as an added decoration for the Christmas tree 🎄😽💙"