Gal Gadot Shares Wonder Woman Sketches On Instagram: Gets Million Likes In Six Hours
By Rima Pundir on June 10, 2020 at 5:18 AM EDT
Gettyimages | Frazer Harrison
Gal Gadot shared a series of Wonder Woman sketches made by different artists on Instagram, each showing an artist's vision of the DC cinematic character, striving for racial equality. Gal Gadot has been an open spokesperson against racism and has often pushed for equality in all specters and spaces of life. Being a female artist in Hollywood with Israeli origins has put Gadot firmly in a position where she can preach about equality, be it of gender or race. And her Instagram posts preach her beliefs to her fans...

Gal Gadot / Instagram
In the very first sketch, credited to @portraitsainteasy, there's Gal Gadot of course, as the Wonder Woman from DC comics we all know and love. But there's a black counterpart to Gal Gadot as well, and she looks suspiciously like Lupita Nyong'o, which may be politically correct but technically makes for an amalgamation of Wakanda with DC, or rather MCU with DC! The sketch, however, is absolutely fantastic and raises rather important questions: other than Black Panther, why aren't there more superheroes of color? Lupita has something to say...

Gal Gadot / Instagram
This Wonder Woman by TerryBlas seems to have Egyptian origins though has a strong resemblance to Princess Jasmine from Disney's "Aladdin", showing color isn't just about African-American origin but has a diversified reach. Gal Gadot has also been actively sharing other posts demanding justice for Geroge Floyd and all the other lives lost due to racial injustice and inequality. However, this post of hers also stirred the ire of the Palestinians and one follower wrote in, "What about being vocal for Palestinians as well?"

Gal Gadot / Instagram
The third image, credited to SICOSA, is of one bad**s woman of color, with gorgeous curves, an I'm-gonna-get-you snarl, and a mushroom cloud of hair. When one fan wrote, "I don’t like the black wonder women. Just doesn’t look right"; another follower put it in the right perspective, "you do know Nubia is in the comics and shes Diana's sister right???". Thankfully, others were pretty appreciative of the art form. Gal Gadot herself captioned the series of pictures as "These pieces are so inspiring, make sure to show these wonderful artists some love". Meanwhile, can you spot Gal below?

Gal Gadot / Instagram
And finally, so credited to @NaimlyArts, was a Wonder Woman of Indian origin, replete with the jewelry and the 'dupatta', a long scarf worn on Indian outfits as a sign of modesty before, now simply fashion. The post has already generated some 1.2 million likes, though fans and followers soon started to ask for more Wonder Women of Mexican and East Asian origins. One fan wrote, "This is literally so amazing! They should definitely make more black superheroes." Enough said!