Kenya Moore, 49 Considering Baby Number Two With Marc Daly
By Kay Lewis on May 30, 2020 at 1:16 PM EDT
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Kenya Moore clearly loves being a mom to daughter Brooklyn, 1 so it’s only natural that she would plan for baby number two. The only problem is, who in the world would she have this baby with? Moore and her husband Marc Daly have been hot and cold since they had their daughter. This, however, is not going to stop the former Miss USA from bringing another bundle of joy into the world. In an exclusive interview with “Us Weekly” the reality star shared she is more than ready to take on baby number two.

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“It’s a conversation that we’re still trying to figure out, honestly,” said Moore and yes, she does plan to have this baby with her husband. Moore has been trying to make things work with Daly but the s**t kind of hit the fan when he appeared on this season of the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” and embarrassed his wife by belittling her at an event. Today, the couple are in Zoom therapy and working to make this marriage worth it. Moore wants to focus her life on her daughter, her marriage, and hopefully conceiving another baby. “I really feel, more and more, that I do [want to]. Time is ticking, and I want them to be close in age and … it’s a sensitive subject.”

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A married couple wanting to have another baby, this should be easy, right? The only problem is, both parents are not necessarily on board. “It’s scary for him too …,” shared Moore. “Because Brooklyn’s not his only child, so for him, it’s like, ‘Well, how many children will I have?’ So, I think that is probably the biggest issue for him.” The “Waiting to Exhale” actress shared that Daly’s main fear is not having enough love. “I don’t think he thinks he can love anyone more than he loves Brooklyn and his other children right now, so … I don’t know,” she stated.

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Moore got into more detail about Daly’s relationship with their daughter Brooklyn. “They have a really strong, strong bond. And I think his fear is that, ‘What if the child comes and I don’t have this kind of bond with him because you didn’t carry her or we’re still figuring out our relationship?’” Fans were concerned for Moore because of how risky this pregnancy could be and considering that she shared a near death birth experience while having Brooklyn, it may not be the best decision.

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The strong-headed actress clarified that this time around she would be using a surrogate. As mentioned earlier, Moore had a rough time during her pregnancy and delivery. Even going as far as to share the fact that she nearly died while giving birth. Since then, the mom of one has been a hardcore advocate for mother’s rights during pregnancy and labor. She suffered from preeclampsia which was documented on the 2018 season of the RHOA where she joked about her swollen feet. But she soon realized how serious of a condition it turned into. Fans can all agree that hopefully her next pregnancy goes well whether she carries this child or not.