Balenciaga Issues Apology After Getting Slammed Online For Teddy Bear Bondage Kids Campaign
By Kay on November 23, 2022 at 12:00 AM EST
Balenciaga’s latest boundary-pushing campaign may have gone a little too far this time by putting kids teddy bears in bondage.
Balenciaga’s New Campaign Compared To Child Pornography

The fashion brand likes to push its looks to the limit. If you see someone holding a Lay’s chip bag like a clutch purse take a harder look it’s probably the Lay’s x Balenciaga bag. If you see someone wearing a sweater looking like it was pulled out of dirt and rubble, it's probably that extremely distressed sweater they released.
Today, if you see a toddler walking around with a teddy bear wearing bondage, that is the latest boundary-pushing fashion statement from the brand. The ad campaign featured a young child posing in Balenciaga Kids and clutching a teddy bear wearing a leather bondage chest plate.
Balenciaga Has Different Bears

Can you believe it isn’t just one bear? The team over at Balenciaga created a few bondage bears. One is actually wearing a black lack muscle shirt with leather spiked cuffs on the feet and hands. In the corner, another bear can be seen with a spiked collar on and what appears to be a leather mask.
If you thought followers of the brand were overreacting, in one of the photos, a document from the courts that discusses child pornography is used for prop decoration on the table. Why would something like that be used as a prop in a kids campaign?
Social Media Users And Celebs Are Disgusted

Brand followers couldn’t overlook this one, even they had to admit it was a bit unreasonable. “This is appalling and horrifying. Where is the outrage on major media?” asked Alana Stewart. “Have you noticed all the children in the Balenciaga creepy child exploitation ads are White/#EthnicEuropean? Just like the girls targeted by #Epstein and Maxwell. Not a coincidence,” pushed another follower of the brand.
“There is NO acceptable reason to be exposing children to BDSM. The court document in the ad appears to be a case known as ‘Free speech coalition vs Ashcroft’ (look it up) this is sick & now Balenciaga has deleted all posts on IG & changed the photo on the site. More info in thread,” informed another follower.
The brand also decided it was the opportune time to renounce Twitter. How convenient. “Balenciaga releases ads with children holding “bondage” teddy bears, then scrubs its social media accounts after backlash.”
“#balenciaga are you promoting ped©philia? Kid holding teddy bear dress in sex clothe and lock around its next while grown man poses with a key on his finger. #cancelbalenciaga,” asked another.
Tucker Carlson Ripped Balenciaga A New One
Why does this feel like a Balenciaga campaign in and of itself pic.twitter.com/lkR9IXdQkB
— Hannah Tindle (@hannahtindle) November 22, 2022
Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson was absolutely disgusted when the news came across his desk. He blasted the brand on his show and insisted that something be done about this blatant targeting of children.
He referenced the Ashcroft v Free Speech Coalition “that case struck down the law against kiddie porn,” he states. “What is this? It’s an endorsement of kiddie porn of child pornography. What else could it be? We wanted to know.”
Carlson went on to say they reached out to Balenciaga but no one responded so they can only assume it’s “kiddie porn” he wanted to know where the “moral outrage” was over brand attempting to sexualize children.
“I don’t like TC, but he right with this one,” agreed a fan. “And so many people still don’t see there is an AGENDA!!!never wore them in my life never willl. Praying for the children,” wroyte another follower.
Balenciaga Issued An Apology

The luxury brand posted an apology:
"We sincerely apologize for any offense our holiday campaign may have caused. Our plush bear bags should not have been featured with children in this campaign. We have immediately removed the campaign from all platforms."