'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson Reveals He Considered Grabbing His Rifle And Confronting Drive-By Shooter
By TheBlast Staff on April 30, 2020 at 4:45 AM EDT
Gettyimages | NICHOLAS KAMM
"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson was on his son Willie's property last week when a man in a pick-up truck opened fire on the estate. During his "Unashamed With Phil Robertson" podcast on Wednesday, he revealed that his first reaction was to grab a gun and fire back at the shooter, but then thought better of it.
"I got the .22 in my hand. I said, ‘Not enough weapon.’ I said, ‘That sounded like at the gate up here.’ I said, ‘That’s where it sounds like they are,’" Phil recalled of the intense moment. "So I said, ‘Well, let me just get up here and get that AR and I’ll go up there,’ but then I stopped. I said, ‘Wait a minute. I’m behind a locked gate. If they crash the gate, they’ll be here in just a little bit.'" In the end, Phil decided not to move forward with his plan when he realized it could be teens shooting at signs on the road, explaining he didn't want to be "on the wrong side of this thing" if he shot them.
One of Phil's other sons, Jase, was also on the podcast and talked about the incident.
"Once we saw who he is, there was no obvious ties to any of the family. There was nothing that really made sense," he said. "I mean, you can guess, you can have opinions. I mean, if I gave my opinion, I would say based on what I know, which is very little, it just seems like a guy saying, ‘Hold my beer and watch this.’"
Willie didn't appear on the episode but previously talked to PEOPLE magazine about the incident.
"We were pretty shook up. It looks like they were just spraying bullets across my property. ...Nobody was outside at the time, but everybody had been out about five minutes before. I had just gone to the store when it happened."
Willie's wife, Korie, shared a message for fans on Monday via Instagram.
"Thank you so much for all of your prayers for our family. We are all safe and sound and feeling profoundly grateful for God’s protection over us!" Korie wrote on Instagram alongside a family photo. "Yes, the news reports are true, we had a drive-by shooting at our home on Friday, it was scary and dangerously close, but thanks to God no one was hurt AND today we got to participate in a drive-by birthday celebration! Crazy how life works! We honked our horns and made signs. We are alive and well, and not taking this day for granted!"