Jules Knight

English Actor Jules Knight's Pup Is Sad And TikTok Is Concerned

Home / Animals / English Actor Jules Knight's Pup Is Sad And TikTok Is Concerned

By Melanie VanDerveer on November 11, 2022 at 11:45 AM EST

It's no secret to Jules Knight's TikTok followers that he loves his pup. Many of the English actor's videos on the social media site features his beloved dog. So when he began posting videos of his black lab looking depressed and acting out of the ordinary, his followers voiced their concerns.

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Jules Knight's pup
Jules Knight - TikTok
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Jules Knight Showed His Followers His Pup's Strange Behavior

In the first video of Knight explaining why he's concerned about his pup's odd behavior, he explains a little of what's been going on. "So my dog is starting to do this all the time and I think she's depressed," he began the clip. "If you have any advice for me please let me know."  He then pans the camera over to show the dog relaxing on the ledge of a brick wall in the yard. When he tells her to "come inside" she just stays put looking sad. His cat then goes over to the dog to investigate the situation before the video ends.

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Many People Told Jules Knight To Take Her To The Vet ASAP

Many of Knight's followers hopped into the comments to leave their words of wisdom and advice. One follower wrote, "she could be having a phantom pregnancy? ours got them after each season. stopped after her being spayed." Another sadly commented, "Dogs will often try to go away and hide in backs of yards, backs of closets.. when they know they’re dying. It’s scary and awful. Take her to vet." Many others also suggested "vet right away." Knight responded to one follower who suggested vet and explained, "Yes, already done this. Inconclusive."

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Jules Knight's pup
Jules Knight - TikTok

Jules Knight Has Been Posting Follow Up Videos

In a follow up video, Knight responds to the comment, "Please take her to the vet. Also, do you walk her every day ? Is she left at home all day ? If so, she needs companionship and walking regularly."

"Thank you everybody for your comments. Don't worry, I have taken her to the vet. It was the first thing I did," he explained. "We were waiting for her season to completely finish before we did any tests because he said that it may well be behavioral as opposed to physical so we're still trying to get to the bottom of it and I am thinking now that it is more about the hormones and the fact that she has been in season. She's 3, she might be at the prime of her life and maybe she wants to be having babies, or maybe she's lonely and needs a friend. We don't quite know yet."

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One of Knight's followers commented, "So really she’s like the rest of us women when hormonal 😂🥰 I love her 💖" Another follower could totally relate to Knight's situation saying, "Oh I’ve played this game before. 1000s pounds in vet fees later it turns out she just likes sitting there 😂" And another added, "I reckon it’s her being on heat and her maturing as well. This is the age where the switch from puppy to a humble dog."

After another follow up video, Knight shows how the pup was acting after her morning walk. She went right back over to that spot on the brick wall.

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One of Knight's followers popped into the comments to say, "Do you think she could be having a phantom pregnancy and is nesting?" to which he replied, "This is high on the list of likelihoods." Another person added, "that is her safe place. my female will go into her kennel and lay."

In another video, Knight explains that he's appreciative for everyone's advice and thoughts and that he's taking his sad pup to the vet for blood tests the following day. The day of the vet appointment to get blood work, he showed one more video of her in that spot outside looking down.

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At the end of the video, Knight says he's worried for his pup and will updated everyone once they get the blood results and know what's wrong.

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