Snoop Dogg Goes Off On Bill Gates & EA Sports When Madden Server Goes Down
By Jeff Mazzeo on April 14, 2020 at 12:26 PM EDT
No Madden and no video games make Uncle Snoop Dogg a dull boy... and really angry!
The legendary rapper and avid Madden NFL 20 player went off on the people whom he holds personally responsible for the crash of the video's online server on Tuesday. Snoop went right to the top and called out Bill Gates to help solve the dire problem that was preventing him from whooping people in the popular football game while stuck at home.
"EA Sports, y'all mother ----ing server is down! Get that sh-- back up, we trying to play," Snoop unloaded in his video.
The artist even tagged Gates' Instagram account in the caption of his post, "@microsoft @thisisbillgates @eamaddennfl hurrrrr up n fix this sh--."

"Bunch of mother ----ers at home locked and loaded right now, FIX THIS SH--!" he continued. "Bill Gates, Microsoft, whoever the f---."
In a hilarious but too real moment, unc made reference to the potential cures/treatment to end the pandemic.
"All these mother ----ing bullsh-- a-- vaccines y'all trying to give us... fix the mother f---ing video game," he exclaimed. "Now!"
His method of getting the server fixed my not follow the proper protocol but seems to be really effective because it was back up and running less than 30 minutes after his all hands on deck video.
"Thank. U," he politely commented on his own post when he was able to play again.

Snoop frustration was understandable because he has been taking the whole stay home thing very seriously. He said that he has been rolling "solo bolo" and been playing lots of video games to pass the time. Uncle sat down with his millions of followers to stress the importance of following the directions of local government and organizations like the CDC and WHO.
"A lot of y'all gotta take this s--- serious too, I see some of y'all still going out... hanging out," Snoop said. "We can't cure this s--- if you mother f***ers are still mixing and matching."
Well said, Uncle Snoop!

For those who were worried that uncle Snoop wasn't getting his medicine, don't stress because he is still puff puffing on the sticky icky icky. In fact, he showed off his prowess last month when he participated in the Kush-up Challenge. Instead of following suit with people exercising on Instagram, he accepted the challenge from one of his followers. He passed with flying colors in case you were wondering.