Ron Clark

Ron Clark Uses TikTok Trend 'One Thing About Me' To Reveal The Worst Hiding Spot Ever!

Home / Entertainment / Ron Clark Uses TikTok Trend 'One Thing About Me' To Reveal The Worst Hiding Spot Ever!

By Melanie VanDerveer on October 26, 2022 at 4:00 PM EDT

TikToker Ron Clark set the bar pretty high for the "One Thing About Me" trend. His story has many of his followers commenting about the anxiety he's given them just listening to the time he played a game of hide-and-seek at his job.

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Ron Clark's Video About His Not-So-Fun Game of Hide-And-Seek Went Viral

Clark's video went viral for telling his story about the night he and a friend, who both worked the overnight shift at Dunkin' Donuts, decided to pass the time with a fun game of hide-and-seek. The only problem - it turned out to not be fun. Oh, and there's the part where Clark was basically cooked alive in the oven.

"One thing about me when I worked at Dunkin Donuts, I worked the third shift, so I was bored, won't you know it. So I said to my friend Ryan let's play hide and go seek. I took him to the dumpsters, and I said now don't peek," his singing story began. "I went inside to find a place to hide. I'm very competitive and that's not a lie."

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Ron Clark
Ron Clark - TikTok
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Anxiety Entered The Chat When Ron Clark Got Into The Hot Oven

This is where his story takes a terrifying turn. "I saw the oven and I knew I could fit. I thought like that cause I'm an idiot," he continued. "The oven stayed on all day. It was always hot. It's where we cooked our muffins, brownies and croissants. And so I crawled inside and I pulled closed the door. Then I realized you cannot open an oven door from the inside, but I said it's fine, he will find me soon."

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While in the oven waiting for his friend to find him, he heard a knock at the door, so he yelled, "I'm ready!" Ryan yelled back, "You locked me out." "And just by force of habit I flipped the latch on that back door. All the doors were locked and I have the keys. I was freaking out, this is the end of me," his catchy but scary tune continued. "The manager will be there with the keys at 6 a.m. but I knew I'd be cooked by then."

Ron Clark
Ron Clark - Instagram
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"I'm In The Oven!"

This is where the anxiety really begins to set in for many watching the video. At this point, Clark yelled to his friend about the situation that was heating up. "I yelled, 'I'm in the oven!' And Ryan yelled back, 'WHAT?' And I yelled, 'I'm in the oven!' And Ryan yelled back, 'Get out!' And I yelled, 'I can't, I'm burning up,'" he recalled frantically.

He then instructed Ryan to crawl through the drive through window. But that also didn't go as planned. "And then Ryan yelled, 'I'm stuck!' My friend was literally stuck with his legs out the drive through," he explained. "Customers came through to place an order. They saw the dangling legs of my co-worker."

The customer then asked Ryan if he needed help, to which Ryan said, "I'm stuck in the drive through and my friend's burning in the oven." The man used a crowbar to help Ryan get into the window. That's when Clark was freed from the hot oven and was taken to the hospital. "I was really bad off, I had lost all my hair," his story concludes. "My sister worked in the E.R. and when we walked in she said, 'Ron, what happened to you?' And I said, 'I cooked in the oven' and I don't think I've ever been the same since."

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Ron Clark
Ron Clark - Instagram

Ron Clark Posted His Insane Story On TikTok And Instagram

Clark's video got more than 4.9 million views on TikTok and just over 16,800 comments. Lots of anxiety-ridden followers commented on the crazy video. One follower wrote, "My anxiety can NOT handle this one…. ?," and another added, "I had to remind myself 'he's telling the story, I know he survived.'" Another one of Clark's followers said, "Why am I so stressed out and I know that you survived Cause you're telling this story???." One comment put it all into perspective noting, "can you imagine pulling up & see someone dangling out of the drive thru window & they say 'I’m stuck & my friend is burning in the oven' ?????."

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One question that probably popped into many people's minds while listening to this almost unbelievable story is did the two friends get fired from their job after this ordeal? Clark answers that question on his Instagram page where he captioned the video, "When I was 20, I had a harrowing experience during a game of hide and seek at a Dunkin’ Donuts. No, Ryan and I didn’t get fired." And while Clark didn't lose his job at Dunkin' Donuts, he has since moved on to be a teacher and the founder of the Ron Clark Academy, according to both his Instagram and TikTok pages.

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