
'RHOA' Kenya Moore’s Fans Want Her To Fess Up To Plastic Surgery

Home / News / 'RHOA' Kenya Moore’s Fans Want Her To Fess Up To Plastic Surgery

By Kay Lewis on April 2, 2020 at 10:15 AM EDT

Gettyimages | Arturo Holmes

Kenya Moore is always the topic of conversation these days. The mom of one has enough drama to last up to the middle of next season at least. She is currently going through a divorce from husband Marc Daly. She is on the hit list of almost all her co-stars especially Tanya Sam . Moore has even managed to annoy Cynthia Bailey and isn’t that her ride or die friend? Moore certainly knows how to piss off a crowd. Then again, it doesn’t take much with these women.

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Now, Moore is being called out by her fans for not being honest about basically anything at this point. Fans saw Moore get called out at the beginning of the season for possibly wearing more wigs than she would like to fess up to. Sam brought wig-gate to the attention of the other women when they returned home from a trip to Toronto, Canada and found out that Moore had a wig delivered to the hotel they were staying at.

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Moore was then called out for treating Sam horribly and trying to ruin her marriage by bringing some lady on the show who claims Sam’s fiancé Paul Judge was flirting with her. When that backfired so did Moore’s own marriage as her husband embarrassed her and disrespected her on camera by talking about how much he “hates” being married. All this drama hasn’t stopped Moore from being active on social media. She continues to post throwback photos and epic pictures and videos of her daughter Brooklyn Daly.

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One of Moore’s posts has struck up an old conversation with her followers. Fans want to know why Moore is yet to admit to any plastic surgery. There has been speculation over the years that Moore has had work done Now that she has been caught in the wig lie, fans are wondering what other lies then can catch her in. The former beauty queen posted a throwback fake ID photo. The caption read, “#TBT the time I got 1) a fake ID at 15 2) I made up my middle name to the name I wanted to be born with and it’s nearly the same as #solange knowles #awholemess even back then (the address and ss are made up, I redacted just in case it’s real to someone).”

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Fans got a kick out of the throwback, but they also had a few questions for Moore like why her eye color was listed as “brown” and now the hazel she has been claiming they are for her entire time on the show. Fans also wanted to know why Moore’s nose looked completely different from what they see on the show now and have seen in other flashback photos when Moore was a bit older. These are all valid inquiries but in typical Moore fashion, she is yet to respond to any of her followers. One thing we can all take from this throwback photo is that Ms. Moore can really claim those inches. Her hair looks longer in her throwback photo then present day. At least she was able to debunk one lie by stirring up several others.

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