'Talking' Dogs Are Taking Over TikTok!
By Melanie VanDerveer on October 19, 2022 at 1:00 AM EDT
Wouldn't it be great if your dog could tell you exactly what they wanted or what was on their minds? A few TikTokers have found a way to help their pups communicate with them through word buttons, and the outcome is often hilarious.

Bunny The Sheepadoodle Is Able To Communicate With Her Human
Bunny the talking dog's TikTok account started in June 2020 and now has more than 8 million followers. Bunny, a sheepadoodle, is called a "conversationalist" by owner Alexis Devine. Bunny is able to communicate in the cutest way and the Tiktok page showcases many of the conversations Devine and Bunny have. In one recent video, Bunny wows your owner by telling her who she is with the help of the word buttons.
Not only does Bunny communicate with her humans, but she will also use the buttons to communicate with the family's other dog, Otter. In one cute video, Bunny steps on the "play" button while looking at Otter, but Otter isn't in the mood to play.
Waffles The Yorkie Uses Profanity To Get His Point Across
Bunny isn't the only pup on the app that has something to say and uses word buttons. Waffles the Yorkie also talks to his owner but often uses profanity, which brings this to a whole new level. Waffles has more than 1.4 million followers and his bio reads, "The Swearing Dog." In some of his videos, you can even see his swear jar filled with money.

Waffles' owner taught him to express himself with swear words more than a year ago. The smart, and often dressed up pup entertains his followers with his antics often.
Sapphie The Pomsky Loves To Express Herself With Her Word Buttons And Some Attitude
Just like Waffles, Sapphie the Pomsky also enjoys to speak her mind with swear words. During a recent food critiquing video, Sapphie doesn't hold back her feelings about the "meal" she's served.
Sapphie shows her sass often, and keeps her 2.8 million followers amused with her hilarious videos. This pup doubles as a personal trainer, plays games, gives her opinions and keeps her owners, and TikTok followers, laughing.
Kenny The Talking Dog Also Communicates With Buttons
Another talking dog, Kenny, has no problem asking for KFC in the cutest way using his word buttons. KFC even commented on the video writing, "We stan Kenny in this house 😍"
When Kenny wants to go outside, he knows just what buttons to press to get his owner to open the door. And if he wants water, a bone, or to go for a walk, he has buttons for that too.