Bad Bunny's Girlfriend Receives Backlash From Social Media
By TheBlast Staff on March 11, 2020 at 12:44 PM EDT
This reggaeton super star who's usually in the news for something positive, had his first major whiff of internet trolls and their undying powers. A Hollywood tradition of the past that had been practiced for decades prior, all revolved around the consensus that those who were actors, or musicians should not at least publicly have girlfriends. Why would this even matter might be the question knocking you on the head as you continue to read this, well let’s explain it. Basically, major studios during the 50’s era didn't find it marketable for someone to number one be gay in the industry, and number two so unapologetically unavailable.
If you were the coined heartthrob around those boxed in times, then you had the most pressure placed upon you. The purpose of creating this intense illusion that for example Johnny Depp was “single” all throughout the 90’s all relayed back to his profitability as a “leading man”. People on his team wanted him to continue with the facade so that any woman could believe they had a chance at dating this gorgeous specimen of a man. So, ultimately it's all smoking mirrors when it comes to those “dream like” persuasions

Wikimedia | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Adult_couple_holding_hands.jpg
Ironically in recent years with the prevalence of social media, the tide has changed. Now, fans are more involved than ever before, and adore these oversimplified and highly glamourized relationships. There are even entire Youtube channels dedicated to couples and their daily mediocre activities. What's even more insidious is this new wave of people who solely get together just to make money from their union. This isn't only a practice that internet influencers take part in. A list celebrities do it all the time and reek the benefits.

Gettyimages | Roger Kisby
What’s fascinating in Bad Bunny’s case is the nature in which his relationship is being ridiculed. If you’ve ever listened to his album “X 100pre” it is obvious how serious he is about those he loves. Songs like “Otra Noche en Miami” illustrate how down in the dumps he was after losing touch with an ex. Now that he is finally in a happy relationship it is a shame that fans have tried to come for his girlfriend, and her proclaimed “basic” look.

Wikimedia | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kendall_%26_Kylie_Jenner_interview.png
The expectation nowadays especially for flashy rappers is that their significant others must be Kylie Jenner cutouts. This last five years has been transformative in terms of the way beauty standards have changed. Most women at least online all appear to have the same type of physical phenotype. There is no room for the natural nancy who puts her hair in a bun, and wears sweatpants. A lot of men say with a resounding tone this is what they find attractive but if that's true why are women so devoted to this singular option.