How Are Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds Handling Baby Number Three?
By Rima Pundir on March 11, 2020 at 8:12 AM EDT
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If Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' social media banter is to be believed, they are really cool parents who are trying to give the best of the world and life to their children, while trying to keep them grounded as well. Reynolds, of course, is a regular funny dad on Twitter and makes the world laugh with his descriptions of his kids on a regular basis. So how does the parenting go in the Lively-Reynolds household, now that they have three munchkins?
No matter which kids book I read to my screaming baby on an airplane, the moral of the story is always something about a vasectomy.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) August 7, 2016

Gettyimages | Steven Ferdman
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds met when they were cast in Green Lantern in 2010, but at the time, they were both with different people. Lively was dating Gossip Girl co-star Penn Badgley while Reynolds was married to Scarlett Johansson at the time. Of course, with their relationships over by 2011, both began dating and by 2012, had ended up getting hitched. Lively was over the moon and said in an interview to Allure magazine that she wanted 30 kids or so!

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By October 2014, Lively and Reynolds announced their first pregnancy which ended in a baby girl in January 2015, and got named James for her trouble! By April 2016, they announced their second pregnancy and had their second daughter, Ines, by October. The balance, it seems, had been achieved. There were now two children, and two parents, in a 1:1 ratio that most parents feel happy with. Of course, by May 2019, the ratio was upset and Lively and Reynolds were thrilled to be expecting again.

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Late 2019 saw them have their third daughter, though the name has not been released to the media as of now. It could be that after James and Ines, Lively and Reynolds are figuring out something equally unique and may take time in naming their latest little tot. Of course, now, there are three children to the two parents, which means that the stars have their hands completely full, trying to raise their three little munchkins in the best possible way.

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For a woman who wanted to have 30 children, three is a good start. Though Lively is nothing if not honest when she says that with three kids, there are just too many kids. Lively said, "It’s like going from two to 3,000. I mean, we have so many children. It’s pretty crazy. We’re outnumbered, and it’s a lot.” We agree. But considering she is a working mom, she needs to get in some exercise too. so she has swapped out the weights and does her workout with her kids instead. Optimum utilization of resources, we say.
I'd walk through fire for my daughter. Well not FIRE, because it's dangerous. But a super humid room. But not too humid, because my hair.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) September 11, 2015