
Meghan Markle Insulted By MSNBC Guest Who Called Her 'Five Clicks Up From Trailer Trash'

Home / Stars / Meghan Markle Insulted By MSNBC Guest Who Called Her 'Five Clicks Up From Trailer Trash'

By TheBlast Staff on March 8, 2020 at 4:29 AM EDT

Gettyimages | Max Mumby/Indigo

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are back in England for their first official visit since their decision to step down from their royal roles. Because of the trip, they've been the topic of much discussion on news channels.

Markle was being discussed on MSNBC on Saturday, when a guest attacked her with a completely uncalled for insult.

The network had on a guest named Victoria Mather who claims to be a British royal expert, although she does not write for any reputable outlet.

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"I think what is real has really, really upset the British public is that Meghan Markle, who many people consider as only, you know, five clicks up from trailer trash, has actually tried to disrespect the queen," Mather said in the segment. "And the queen is the most respected person, most respected woman, in the world."

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People on social media were outraged by the comments.

"Thank u for posting this! I watched it live in disgust!



@MSNBC," one said.



. My professors at


are shaking their heads. You can’t just sit there and let people spout racist ideas. Megan graduated from private schools and has a double degree from


. Trailer trash ... huh?" another added.

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Markle and Harry made their first public appearance since their return at Thursday night's Endeavour Fund Awards. Markle spoke briefly at the event.

"It’s very nice to to be back. It’s the third year that I’ve had the incredible fortune of joining my husband here," she said. "As you all know and can feel, it is just the most inspiring space. I will say, when I was watching the videos all the way in Canada, we each had the same moment where we said, ‘How are we going to choose?’"

The fund helps wounded military members. Harry spoke at the event, as well.

"Meghan and I are so happy to be back here with you, to celebrate each and every one of you for your achievements, your service and your resilience," he said. "For some, the military community represents a brotherhood or sisterhood that no other organization can provide, and for others, it’s a way of life which you never want to leave. For a lot of us, it’s both.

"Leaving the military and hanging up your uniform is -- we know -- an incredibly hard thing to do... unless of course, it’s blue in color... But being forced to hang it up due to injury, beyond your control, can be even more difficult to accept," Harry, who served in the military for 10 years, added.
