Aaron Carter Begs Johnny Depp's Lawyer Camille Vasquez For Help
By Kay on September 19, 2022 at 5:34 PM EDT
Aaron Carter believes he has the next big court case on his hands, comparing his relationship with Melanie Martin and the subsequent breakup, to Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s toxic trial.
Aaron Carter Taking Ex To Court… Again

According to reports, the singer believes he is in a unique position to get back into the limelight and not intentionally. He claims his ex-girlfriend and baby mama Melanie Martin is such a pain, that he plans on taking her to court. At this point, he says he is gearing up to sue her for defamation of character.
“Unfortunately, it looks like it’s going to turn into a Johnny Depp, Amber Heard 2.0,” he says seriously with his arms crossed. “I, unfortunately, have to sure Melanie Martin for defamation of character,” he goes on to admit.
Now, he believes that ever since his ex made claims earlier this year that he broke her ribs, which he denies, his career has taken a hit. He even went as far as to say, his case could be as monumental as Depp and heard’s debacle.
Aaron Carter Wants Camille Vasquez On The Case

Seeing as the powerhouse attorney has made a name for herself by getting Depp off on allegations that lead to serious charges, she is in demand. Carter is ready to retain her.
He made a public plea on Sunday to the attorney pointing out that he has been “doing well” but needs legal help with the drama he is currently going through. In addition to the defamation allegations, Carter also alleges that Martin stole luxury goods out of his home.
During this time, Carter claims that Martin refused to leave and went a step further by trying to get a rise out of him in hopes that things would escalate further.
Aaron Carter Has A Lot To Say About His Breakup

Cameras caught up with Carter in L.A.
“There has been a lot of turmoil and back and forth”, he says on the windy street. “I’ve got it under control and I’m doing everything that I need to do.” He admitted that one thing helping him get past the drama is music.
“I’m focusing on my music, which I love, it's my passion, and really just taking care of my aftercare” Carter recently left rehab after an extremely short stay. He now insists that his rehab is outpatient and he is working the steps.
“I’m not in rehab I’m in an outpatient program that’s just meetings. So, it’s NA meetings and AA meetings.” Carter insists he isn’t abusing any drugs or alcohol he is doing this for one specific reason.
“Just so the judge can see I’m taking care of my aftercare on my own and I’m almost coming up on five years clean.” He admits he has many triggers around him so while aftercare is for the judge he is benefitting from it tremendously.
Aaron Carter Called The Cops On Estranged Girlfriend

“She was trying to trigger me into reacting," claimed Carter. He insists he is always trying to avoid arguments but Martin continually breaks into his house through the back window and other places.
He is over it and thinks he “deserves better” because he is a “southern baptist, traditional” person. His 9-month-old son is currently with Martin’s mother, after the former couple struggled over custody issues.
Carter is so desperate he straight up asked the attorney for help on camera.
“I’m just going to put this out there, Camille if you hear this message, please help me. Call me and find a way to contact me personally, I would love to talk to you.” He continues to beg, “I know you can help me with this because I have the facts, it’s a win-win,” he claims.
The ball is in your court Camille, do you have it in you for another high-profile case?