Lea Michele's Niceness Behind The Scenes Of 'Funny Girl' Draws Skepticism
By Kay on September 6, 2022 at 10:30 PM EDT
Lea Michele is minding her manners while backstage as the star of Funny Girl. Some are even going as far as to say she is no longer a mean girl.
Lea Michele’s Reputation Took A Hit

PageSix sources are describing Lea as a dream to work with. “She’s being so nice, she makes Julie Andrews look like a bitch,” joked the source. Lea has been curbing her work ethic, the excuse she used as to why she was so horrible to her Glee castmates.
Now, she is generous and willing to share the limelight with fellow actors something that late Glee star Naya Rivera shared was a struggle for Lea in the past.
The 36-year-old is taking on the role of Fanny Brice in Funny Girl. She is the third actress to sign on to the role before it even hit the stage. She was proceeded by Beanie Feldstein and Julie Benko.
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Lea Michele’s Micro-Aggressions

The actress's new attitude contributed to the accusations of her being passive-aggressive and cruel to fellow actors especially ones that she saw as below herself. Former Glee cast mates Samantha Ware, Heather Morris, Amber Riley, and several others had plenty to say about her mean girl behavior. Morris publicly called out Michele as “unpleasant to work with.”
Morris was also too scared to speak up about the bullying. “I think many people were very scared, and I know, genuinely, I felt like it wasn't my place, and I don't know why because I was a cast member.”
Samantha Ware Didn’t Hold Back

Ware was less diplomatic about her thoughts on Lea stating that she “suffers from a symptom of living in this world in an industry that is tailored to white people.” She also detailed that the hate began immediately.
“It was after I did my first performance, that’s when it started — the silent treatment, the stare-downs, the looks, the comments under her breath, the weird passive-aggressiveness.” Like Ware, Riley too said her piece about Lea. She pointed out that all this attention should have been there when it mattered and now all she can do is redirect people’s anger into the Black Lives Matter movement that was coming to a head at the time.
Why Does Lea Even Still Get Work?

After all the facts came out regarding Lea, inquiring minds wanted to know why she was still able to work and how she continues to get roles outside of Glee. It’s apparently the culture in Hollywood. “Lea’s actions were nothing new, so I guess since it was such a common thing, my case didn’t seem like that big of a deal,” said Ware.
Also. Lea issued an apology after fans began to berate her and mention her name in the same sentence as cancel culture.
“One of the most important lessons of the last few weeks is that we need to take the time to listen and learn about other people’s perspectives and any role we have played or anything we can do to help address the injustices that they face,” she began.
“While I don’t remember ever making this specific statement and I have never judged others by their background or color of their skin, that’s not really the point, what matters is that I clearly acted in ways which hurt other people.”
Ultimately she claims that she is owning her behavior and changing her attitude not only because of her mean girl phase but because at the time she was about to be a mom and it hit her differently.
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Maybe A Little Too Nice

It’s great that Lea has made a change but how believable is it when it’s so over the top? “She is being soooo nice, it’s crazy,” says the source. “She knows everyone’s name and their birthdays,” they joked again.
The source says that the over-the-top kindness can be related to her “watering-the-plants-in-[castmates’]-dressing-rooms kind of nice. It’s an expression, a joke. She’s not actually doing it … yet.”