Anne Heche Died Without A Will, Son Files To Run Her Estate
By Liz Walters on August 31, 2022 at 8:42 PM EDT
Updated on August 31, 2022 at 8:58 PM EDT
Actress Anne Hechepassed away with no will, and now her son is now asking to be in charge of her estate.
According to legal documents, obtained by The Blast, Anne's son -- Homer Laffoon -- is asking a Los Angeles County judge to put him in charge of his late mother's fortune -- after she died "intestate."
The petition points out that Homer is an adult and the only two surviving heirs of her estate are him and his little brother -- who is a minor. Unfortunately, the family is unclear about how much money or property Anne had at her time of death.
In the filing, Homer lists Anne's personal property as "unknown" along with annual income as "unknown."
Anne Heche's Son Asks To Become Guardian Ad Litem Of His Little Brother

The 20-year-old is also asking to be named the guardian of his brother, saying, "the Estate consists of two (2) intestate heirs—Homer Heche Laffoon and Atlas Heche Tupper. Homer Heche Laffoon is an adult and the proposed Administrator. Atlas Heche Tupper is a minor. Filed concurrently with this petition is a Petition for Appointment of Guardian ad Litem for the minor, which specifically requests that the guardian ad litem be granted the authority to waive bond on behalf of the minor."
As you know, Anne was divorced from the boys' father -- Coley Laffoon -- and he would have no standing in this case.
Of course, the court will dig into Anne's finances, and will almost certainly allow Homer to take charge of the situation -- unless someone challenges the case.
Anne Heche Reportedly Died With Cocaine In Her Bloodstream

Laffoon issued a statement following his mother's tragic death, saying, "I loved her and I miss her, and I'm always going to." Adding, "Homer is okay. He's grieving, of course, and it's rough. It's really rough, as probably anybody can imagine. But he's surrounded by family and he's strong, and he's gonna be okay."
We broke the story, Anne's official cause of death was ruled an accident and investigators say she died due to, "Inhalation and thermal injuries” along with a "sternal fracture due to blunt force trauma."
According to reports, Anne was driving erratically in a Los Angeles residential neighborhood prior to slamming her car into a house causing a massive fire. Several reports indicate she might have been under the influence at the time of the accident, with one outlet saying, LAPD tested the actress’s blood that was drawn in the hospital and claim it contained cocaine and fentanyl But, it’s possible the fentanyl entered her bloodstream after it was used for pain management in the emergency room."