
Putting In Work: How Adele 'Transformed Her Body'

Home / Stars / Putting In Work: How Adele 'Transformed Her Body'

By TheBlast Staff on February 14, 2020 at 12:43 PM EST

Gettyimages | Dave J Hogan

Over the last few months, internationally recognized singer Adele has been spotted in public looking noticeably different. This difference is the result of a noticeably slimmer physique, which has had everybody taking notice of the 'Rolling In The Deep' performer, who has been open about her struggles with weight in the past.

After telling a fan in passing that she had lost "like 100 pounds," people were clamoring for more details about the miraculous weight loss, and now new tidbits have emerged.

As reported by E! News, a source has come forward explaining the massive shift in Adele's lifestyle.

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"She goes to different gyms. She goes early in the morning and meets with her trainer. She gets her workout in first thing. She works out for about an hour and leaves drenched in sweat and looking like she worked very hard," the source commented.

Adele reportedly goes to the gym multiple times a week for private training sessions, remaining low key while doing it.

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"She’s also staying active going on walks and getting in a lot of steps. She is in a groove. She looks great and has totally transformed her body. She is barely recognizable and is continuing to lose weight," the insider added. These statements corroborate the few photos that have emerged of Adele in recent times that show the singer noticeably slimmer, and donning more athletic oriented clothing, seemingly for her frequent private training sessions that have gotten her to the point she is at today.

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An attendee at Madonna's Academy Awards after party also made a comment about Adele's appearance to 'E! News,' saying, "She lost more weight. Everyone was like, 'Is that Adele?!' She wore a gold dress with tassels. It was a very '60s mod look with her hair and makeup. She looked incredible."

However, these lifestyle changes may not be entirely for her, as sources for People share that the singer may be pursuing a better quality of more so for her son, Angelo.

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Gettyimages | Kevin Winter

"It’s easy to just focus on her physical transformation, but this is really about something bigger. She got to the point where she didn’t feel great. She knew she had to change something, because she wants to be the healthiest mom possible," the source commented.

"Her whole focus during the weight loss journey has really how been all about how she can be healthier and how can she treat her body better. It was never about losing weight. Her weight loss happened because she has cut down drinking and is eating more real food. But she now loves her physical transformation too. She is more confident, dresses differently and she just seems happier overall," they concluded.
