Hillary Clinton Finally Talks About Monica Lewinsky
By TheBlast Staff on February 7, 2020 at 2:16 PM EST
Gettyimages | Erik Voake
When it comes to someone who can make you feel so comfortable to let out your most profound secrets on live television, Ellen is your girl. Her ability to butter you up and give you such an ego boost where you feel invincible is why celebrities adore her so much. Someone else who is popular for possessing that gift is Howard Stern. With his show morphing the landscape of how we accept certain taboos or look at famous people, his legacy is an important one. But, comparing both of their approaches illustrates why certain people will go to Ellen and avoid the hell out of Howard.
Just last night a video aired with the first lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton. She came on the show to promote her book with her daughter Chelsea called “Gutsy Women '' and discuss an upcoming documentary on Hulu all about her life. Some major themes on the rocky table were her over publicized comments on Bernie Sanders, why people did not find her to be likable during her campaign for the presidency, and the most awestruck of them all a public discourse about Monica Lewinsky.

Gettyimages | Noam Galai
To hear Hillary Clinton so nonchalantly have a conversation about Monica Lewinsky in front of millions of viewers was bewildering. Never once did anyone think Hillary would actually allow herself to be questioned by an interviewer about this on national television as well as get so deep about her relationship with former U.S. President Clinton. Her honesty about not knowing if she wanted to continue in a relationship with him and the backlash she faced solely for staying after his oh so public affair with Lewinsky gave us all a glimpse into how she was feeling during that debacle.

Gettyimages | LeoPatrizi
In good taste Lewinsky specifically was not pointed out and the blame was more towards her husband. Aside from that point in the conversation, there were a lot more shiny gems dropped. When Ellen asked about possible Democratic nominee Bernie Sanders, Hillary didn't necessarily apologize for her words about him. She actually explained how people are allowed their own opinions especially in the U.S. Her views concerning Bernie look to be more on the side of she does not approve of him selling a dream, or overextending himself in relation to pushing for free healthcare.

Gettyimages | Win McNamee
She also poignantly highlighted how after the major scandal concerning President Bill Clinton happened, women began to question her dignity. When she herself was running to be President in 2016 against Donald Trump the consensus amongst people who disliked her was that she was too icy, she was not likeable, and she stayed with her cheating husband. Hilary talked about something a woman had said about her that really stuck in her mind. She said, I would not vote for her but I love her husband. Obviously just because you are married to someone who was qualified to run the country does not mean you are. But, with Hillary's consistent work in public office and time in the Obama administration it is a wonder that people still found something so minuscule to chip away at her.