Who Is the Father of Amelia's Baby? 'Grey's Anantomy' Fans Weigh In
By The Blast Staff on February 1, 2020 at 7:20 AM EST
Gettyimages | Mike Windle
We've all known, ever since the midseason finale of Grey's Anatomy back in November, that there's a chance that Linc (Chris Carmack), might not be the father of Amelia's (Caterina Scorsone) baby. But this week, Amelia did the difficult job of coming clean to her boyfriend, telling him she loves him no matter who the father is. And while Linc may have been fine with this at first, it looks like the curiosity may get to be too much for him. Because this couple is so beloved by fans of Grey's, this situation has caused some disappointment among fans.
Initially, Linc agreed that Amelia didn't need a paternity test-- they would both love each other and their future daughter or son and be a family, no matter who the biological father was. However, Linc's curiosity (or is it insecurity?) got the better of him, and he feels like he needs to know. While Linc still loves Amelia, it looks like he's gotten pretty frustrated with the whole situation. Thankfully, he knows that it's okay--even normal-- to be angry at the person you love. Hopefully, their relationship is strong enough to survive this test.

Gettyimages | Rich Polk
Based on his previous relationship history, it looks like Owen (Kevin McKidd) is the most likely candidate after Linc to be the father of Amelia's baby. Although Amelia and Linc are official, the timeline suggests that the baby could have been conceived just before Amelia and Linc became exclusive. This would certainly complicate things--Owen and Amelia are already raising a child together, so it might be nice for the child to have a sibling, except that Owen also had a baby with Teddy. Another baby would throw a wrench, not just in Amelia and Linc's lives, but probably in Owen's as well.

Gettyimages | CBS Photo Archive
The fan reaction to Thursday's episode was a mix of exasperation and confusion. While some fans expressed concern over this unpoplar plot twist, others did some sleuthing to figure out who was the likely father.
After the episode aired, fans on Reddit called the storyline "useless" and "cheap." Still others debated who the father was. While some conclusions were based on opinion (Owen isn't the most popular character right now), some dissected Greys' timeline to confirm that it is possible that he is the biological father.
In a show known for it's insane plot twists, wouldn't it be just a little too predictable if the baby turned out to be Owen's? Or maybe, after fifteen and a half seasons, there are only so many surprises you can pull off, and maybe the questionable paternity of Amelia's baby was surprise enough. Still, hopefully Amelia and Linc's relationship will stay healthy, or at least intact. We can also hope that Owen ends up getting a vasectomy, but we'll have to wait until next Thursday at 9.