
Have YouTube Power Couple Jeffree Star and Nathan Called it Quits?

Home / Stars / Have YouTube Power Couple Jeffree Star and Nathan Called it Quits?

By TheBlast Staff on January 10, 2020 at 11:39 AM EST

Gettyimages | Rosdiana Ciaravolo

Jeffree Star although a man of countless youtube controversies, is a makeup mogul. What he has done with his career will be studied by future generations to come. His jump from having absolutely nothing to owning a multi-million dollar company by investing in himself, has more than paid off. But, money isn't everything. What is the point of having all the trinkets in the world if you don't have anyone to share it with. Luckily for Jeffree, he found that life partner in boyfriend Nathan. Or did he? It 's been alleged all across social media that the couple have broken up after four years of dating.

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When Jeffree finally introduced his baby faced boyfriend Nathan to his youtube family there was positive commentary along with speculative. Nathan before getting into a relationship with Jeffree stated he had only been in relationships with women. So, people were quick to question Nathan's intentions. When it comes to dating as a celebrity there is no way of telling for sure who is in your life for you, or who is part of your life for the fame. It can be intoxicating the taste of celebrity so the fact that someone could use another person just to be "put on" isn't a surprise to anyone.

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These rumors started to catch fire when Nathan decided to delete all of his social media. Then, Jeffree randomly decided to take out of his bio " Wifey to Nathan" which had twitter pressed to death. With cryptic depressed laced tweets coming from Jeffree it looks like the two have in some capacity parted ways, or are going through a hard time in their relationship. The only thing that can validate this assumption is Jeffree or Nathan releasing a statement denying or confirming what's been speculated. If the "breakup videos" do persist then drama could ensue on youtube like never before.

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As media continues to transform throughout the millenia we are going to see the focus shift to platforms like Youtube to get our daily dose of entertainment. That is why we see many traditionally produced celebrities turning to the platform of Youtube to have a more controlled hold on what they share, and how they make money. This shift is carrying some resistance from the OG Youtube creators who feel as if they're being kicked off a platform that they helped to legitimize. With Youtube laying down the law with stricter guidelines and rules, how will drama like this Jeffree Star situation be handled? I guess we will see.
