Britney Spears wearing a Julien MacDonald dress, H Stern jewels, and Christian Louboutin shoes arrives at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards

Britney Spears Says 'I Want To Live For Me' In Leaked Text Messages

Home / Stars / Britney Spears Says 'I Want To Live For Me' In Leaked Text Messages

By Kristin Myers on July 25, 2022 at 12:30 PM EDT

Singer Britney Spears is not going to let her family forget exactly what her family put her through during her stifling 13-year conservatorship.

On Sunday, July 14, the "Oops!... I Did It Again" singer posted and then quickly deleted three different screenshots she said she sent her mother, friend, and attorney after allegedly being forced into getting treatment at a mental health facility in 2019.

At the beginning of her lengthy caption, Britney wrote, "It's a little different with proof."

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Britney Spears Sent Text Messages To Her Mother With Concerns About Her Treatment

Britney Spears text messages July 24, 2022
Instagram / britneyspears

In the first screenshot in her now-deleted Instagram post, Britney addressed her mother, Lynne Spears, writing, “He was saying he wants to UP the seraquil [sic] and I’m like whoaaaaaaa horsey go f–k yourslwf [sic].

“Seraquil I thought was a sleep aid but it’s for bipolar and is WAAAAAY Stronger than lithium,” she continued, although it's unclear if Britney is talking about a doctor or her father, Jamie Spears, who was in charge of her medical care as her conservator.

“I literally feel alll [sic] the sick medicine in my stomach,” Britney told her mother in the text messages. “I feel like he’s trying to kill me. I swear to god I do.”

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“Here are my text messages to my mom in that place 3 years ago,” Britney wrote in the caption. “I show it because there was no response … When I got out, her words were ‘You should have let me visit you and give you a hug.’”

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Britney Reached Out To A Childhood Friend To Help Find New Legal Counsel

Britney Spears text messages July 24, 2022
Instagram / britneyspears

In the second screenshot Britney shared, she asks Jansen Fitzgerald, a childhood friend, to help her find new legal counsel. Britney's conservatorship began in 2008. At the time, a judge in Los Angeles appointed a lawyer to represent her. Brit was not allowed to hire her own legal counsel until 2021, the year she was freed.

“Ok. I need John bells number please,” Britney wrote in 2019. “When u can.”

She also wrote, “Also what about the lithium levels in your opinion and it being monitored for so long … of course they can MAKE UP any excuse to keep doing it but is it really healthy and ok to give blood for THAT LONG … I have a feeling you will say I will be ok but it still doesn’t make sense.”

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It seems that Britney had a lot of concerns about the medical care she received, but it looks like she never received an answer. “The second picture is a message to my friend from home,” Britney explained in the caption. “She was supposed to help me get a new lawyer … I never heard back from her.”

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Britney Shares A Third and Final Screenshot From Her Court-Appointed Lawyer

Britney Spears text messages July 24, 2022
Instagram / britneyspears

In the final screenshot, her court-appointed lawyer, Samuel D. Ingham III, says, “I don’t need approval but yes I’m coming.”

Britney replies, “Great. I want to talk about going to court when this is done and getting my medical rights … my boyfriend the right to spend the night with me … how can I leave early … the plan I have u for last moth or whatever the f--- these f---ing people want for me.”

“In court my boyfriend needs to be able to see my children … I’ve been in the for 12 years I want it over … I [would] like to replace two security guards with new [ones],” Britney went on. “I would like to have a [say] in who comes to my house for security … when this program is over I don’t want to work at all.”

“I want to live for me and have an adventurous life,” she wrote, adding that she wants to be able to drive on her own again and go on vacation to places like New York, Miami, and Hawaii.

In 2021, Ingam resigned, allowing her to hire federal prosecutor Mathew Rosengary to represent her.

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Britney Spears Leaves Out A Screenshot Of Her Text From Jamie Lynn

 text messages July 24, 2022
Instagram / britneyspears

At the end of the caption, Britney wrote, "PS My sister's text after not texting for 3 days was 'They're not gonna let you go so why are you fighting it' ..."

Fans of the pop star showered her with messages of support before Britney quickly deleted the post.

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