Kate Beckinsale Claps Back at Russian Fan Who Questioned Her 'Genitals'
By Gary Trock on December 27, 2019 at 7:10 AM EST
Kate Beckinsale showed off her linguistic prowess when one international fan got a little too personal when it came to questioning her starring role in the "Underworld" franchise. The star has been sharing photos from her Christmas festivities with family and friends, and on Thursday evening she posted a fun pic with her BFF, Jonathan Voluck. Holding a Madonna book bag, Beckinsale struck a sexy pose and braced her friend from the backside.
"Liz & Madonna & Jonny & me," the British actress captioned her post.

Beckinsale makes it a habit to engage her fans on social media, especially when they ask interesting questions or leave comments on her photos and videos. She's also not afraid to mix it up with fans around the world, as one Russian fan learned the hard way.
After sharing her photo with Jonny, many Russian fans began asking Beckinsale questions in their native language, and she immediately responded.
"Фреди Меркури?" one fan asked, questioning whether her friend Jonny was actually Freddie Mercury from Queen.
"сегодня да, это он. Вчера Херри Поттер. Завтра -кто знает," Beckinsale replied. She joked that "Today yes, that's it. Harry Potter yesterday. Tomorrow, who knows."
Even though most fans kept it pleasant, one Russian fan couldn't help himself and asked a particularly racy question about her costume as the sexy vampire, Selene, in the "Underworld" franchise.
"Кэт в латексном костюме не жарко ли было сниматься? И он такой сексуальный, наверное все мужчины на съемках смотрели на ваши гениталии," the fan questioned.
For those not fluent in Russian, it roughly translates to:
"Kat in a latex suit, was it hot to act in film? And he is so sexy, probably all the men on the set looked at your genitals."
Beckinsale didn't fancy switching back to Russian to scold the fan for the graphic probe, answering, "well don’t. It’s rude."

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Beckinsale is one of a few A-list stars who are multilingual, after studying both French and Russian literature while attending Oxford University's New College. She's also fluent in German.
While doing press in Russia, Beckinsale regularly uses the native language and has no problem having a fluent conversation. During an interview with Larry King, Beckinsale explained:
“I wanted to read Chekhov and Molière in their original languages."
She also joked that the Russian language becomes more difficult as you get more advanced, telling King, "which is really unfair because when you go further with French, it gets easier, but Russian is hard, the grammar is very hard.”
In 2017, Beckinsale appeared on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" and taught the host a few Russian phrases, like "Mr. Putin, please put on your shirt."