
Sharon Stone Working On Settlement With Chanel West Coast In Lawsuit Over 'Basic Instinct' Inspired Video

Home / Exclusive / Sharon Stone Working On Settlement With Chanel West Coast In Lawsuit Over 'Basic Instinct' Inspired Video

By Ryan Naumann on December 17, 2019 at 6:29 AM EST


Actress Sharon Stone is attempting to work out a deal to end the lawsuit she brought against rapper Chanel West Coast.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Sharon and Chanel West Coast (real name: Chelsea Dudley) are asking the court for an 30-day extension. They say “the parties have conferred and are cautiously optimistic that they will be able to resolve this matter without the need for further litigation, and would prefer to spend their time and resources on such discussions, rather than motions and pleadings that may prove unnecessary.”

Sharon and Chanel West Coast believe they can reach a settlement without going to trial.

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Earlier this year, Sharon filed suit against Chanel over the rapper’s son “Sharon Stoned.” The suit explained, “The Song gratuitously and repeatedly uses the name “Sharon Stone” in its lyrics. More than one quarter of the Song’s length (a full one minute and twelve seconds of the Song) consists of nothing more than Defendant Dudley repeatedly saying the name “Sharon Stone” in mantra-like repetition.”

To make matters worse, Sharon says Chanel released a music video that recreated her iconic scenes in “Basic Instinct” and “Casino”.

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The suit said, “Defendants wrongfully exploited Sharon Stone’s rights associated with her performance in the Basic Instinct Interrogation Scene. The infringing Video incorporates the physical appearance, attributes, traits, looks, mannerisms, qualities, characteristics, clothing, treatment and imagery associated with Sharon Stone’s likeness, image, identity, and persona in the Basic Instinct Interrogation Scene.”

Sharon said she worked for years to build her brand and reputation. The actress said she selectively chooses which products she endorses. She accused Chanel of profiting off her years of work. She is suing seeking unspecified damages.

Sharon threw shade at Chanel describing her, “Defendant Dudley, who calls herself “Chanel West Coast,” is an aspiring rap artist who has desperately sought to garner credibility and stature in the hip-hop community.”

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