R. Kelly Sentenced To 30 Years, It Isn't Enough For The Victims
By Kay on July 1, 2022 at 2:30 PM EDT
Racketeering and sex trafficking are the official charges laid against disgraced R&B singer R. Kelly. Now, he has been officially sentenced to 30 years in prison for his disgusting, vile, attacks on women and girls. The mighty has not just fallen, they’ve crashed.
R. Kelly No Longer Confident In His Defence Team

The “Step In The Name Of Love” singer stood in front of a Brooklyn federal court to have his sentence handed down. US District Judge Ann Donnelly sentenced Kelly after listening to victim impact statements from a handful of Kelly’s accusers. The judge also ordered him to pay a $100,000 fine.
Kelly was convicted of a total of nine counts of sex-related crimes. This is truly just the beginning because the singer is set to face a Chicago courtroom on August 15 on child pornography charges. Specifically producing child pornography and obstruction of justice because he allegedly tried to get rid of evidence in an undisclosed way.
R. Kelly’s Victim’s Statements Are Heartbreaking

The fallen star was forced to listen to some of his victims describe how his disgusting behavior has affected them long-term. “You made me do things that broke my spirit. I literally wished I would die because of how low you made me feel,” read one of the unidentified survivors of Kelly.
The “I Believe I Can Fly” singer didn’t look up at any of his victims, he kept his mask on and his hands folded in front of him. The innocent act wasn’t working on the judge who called out the 55-year-old on his BS.
“Although sex was certainly a weapon that you used, this is not a case about sex. It’s a case about violence, cruelty, and control,” said Judge Donnelly.
The R&B singer R. Kelly was sentenced to 30 years in prison for racketeering and sex trafficking. https://t.co/4SWwrW4WRE pic.twitter.com/LXIuL8Sjkp
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 29, 2022
R. Kelly Flew Under The Radar For Too Long

The singer was loved and adored in the R&B community. He could do no wrong this was proven when rumors swirled in the 90s that he snatched up our beloved Aaliyah and secretly married her when she was 15 years old after supposedly impregnating her (because that would make everything better.)
He was also accused of acting inappropriately toward the young daughter of one of his crew members. There was a tape floating around of the grown AF singer peeing and defecating on an underage girl. Again, what did we do as a society? Make jokes about it in popular TV shows like The Boondocks and The Dave Chappelle Show.
Don’t get me wrong, I laughed, you laughed, we all laughed together but deep down we all knew that it was messed up and likely true.
R. Kelly’s Lawyers Tried Their Best

The “Fiesta” singer’s lawyers were pretty sure that they had this case in the bag. Well maybe more so Kelly did because as soon as fellow disgraced celebrity Bill Cosby “got off” on his horrific charges, Kelly jumped to hire Jennifer Bonjean, the lawyer involved with getting the charges overturned.
They argued that 10 years in prison is best for Kelly because of his own childhood trauma “involving severe, prolonged childhood sexual abuse, poverty, and violence.” They also argued that he has severe “literacy deficiencies,” and his own team has been taking advantage of him for years. Okay, so we assault and attack women and children??? How is that a defense?
R. Kelly Will Remain In Prison

The “Trapped in the Closet” singer has been in jail since 2019, he assumed that 2022 would be the year he was freed but it looks like that won’t be for several years now. There was no mention of parole and the details are still coming but it might be safe to say that R. Kelly could spend the rest of his life in prison.
victims are happy about this win but they haven't lost sight of the other alleged predators still at large. They are hoping that alleged assaulters like Harvey Weinstein are next to face the wrath of the justice system.