Dr. Phil Grills 'Evil Psychopath Demon Child' from Ukraine In Explosive First Interview
By Gary Trock on November 4, 2019 at 7:09 AM EST
Dr. Phil
Dr. Phil landed the first interview for the Ukranian girl accused of pretending to be a foster child and then allegedly trying to murder her family, and according to the teaser, the good doctor does not hold back. It had sounded like a story lifted straight from the horror movie, "Orphan," when Natalia Grace Barnett was abandoned by her Indiana adoptee parents after they believed the girl was not the 8-year-old they agreed to adopt, but a 30-year-old "psychopath."

Tippeanoe County Sheriff
Michael and Kristine Barnett thought they were adopting an 8-year-old Ukranian girl suffering from dwarfism in 2010. According to court records, medical tests on Natalia in 2010 estimated her age to be 8, and another test in 2012 estimated her to be around 11 years old.
Medical tests on the girl's bone structure in 2010 estimated the girl's age as 8, and a second test in 2012 estimated she was 11.
However, Kristine later told the Daily Mail that Natalia was not a girl, but a full-grown woman conning people into thinking she was a child.
Kristine explained that Natalia had pubic hair, menstrual cycles and appeared to be suffering from an extreme mental illness. She also claimed that Natalia admitted to a therapist that she was an adult.
Things took a turn for the worse when Natalia allegedly tried to harm the family. Kristine and Michael claim Natalia threatened to killed members of the Barnett family, tried to poison Kristine and even tried to drag her into an electrified fence.
"Natalia would do things like place clear thumbtacks on the stairs face up so that when we would walk up the stairs, we would be stepping on thumbtacks to pain and injure ourselves," they described.
In 2012, they had Natalia's age legally changed to 22 ... and then took off to Canada to nurture their 15-year-old son's education, as he had turned out to be a physics genius.
Kristine explained they found Natalia an apartment, paid her rent for a year, helped her get food stamps and Social Security disability income and created a plan to get her high school diploma. Then they took off and severed communication.
Both Kristine and Michael were later arrested and charged with abandoning Natalia.

Dr. Phil
Dr. Phil is going to try and get to the bottom of the situation in the first sit-down interview with Natalia.
In a teaser clip, obtained by PEOPLE, the talk show host does not walk on eggshells concerning the allegations.
"She’s painted you as an evil dwarf who would poison their coffee, or stab them in their sleep. They say you scammed them, lied about your age, and terrorized them. Why did they want to get rid of you so bad?”
Dr. Phil also has a hard time believing the alleged facts surrounding the entire bizarre story.
"A six- or seven-year-old child living alone in an apartment for a year? That’s just not believable. I guess it comes down to whether or not you are an evil psychopath demon child that’s come over here to murder anybody."
The crazy interview is set to air Thursday, November 7.