‘Temptation Island:’ Lascelles Brags About Trace To Ashley During Final Bonfire!
By MLC on May 19, 2022 at 8:15 AM EDT
“Temptation Island” has proved to be a great experience for both Lascelles Lagares and Ashley Rodriguez.
But the time has come for the couple, who came to the island looking to spice things up in their relationship, to say ‘goodbye.’
Lascelles and Ashley were together for seven years upon arriving to “Temptation Island.”
Lascelles & Ashley Got The Seven Year Itch

They both felt their relationship was lacking an emotional and intellectual connection, as well as romance.
Ashley said, “Coming to Temptation Island I wanted to marry Lascelles, but we were lacking our own independence, lacking gratitude towards each other, lacking the romance.”
Lascelles echoed that sentiment saying, “Ashley and I were very complacent before coming to the island. We didn’t really challenge each other intellectually or emotionally. Ash and I came here to work on our independence, but I ended up falling in love with someone else.”
Upon arriving to the island, Lascelles quickly formed a connection with Trace Winningham.
Ashley was slower moving in that department, but eventually warmed up to Blake Blumenshine.

“Blake definitely taught me how to be in my emotions and feel it,” Ashley said.
Before saying “goodbye,” Trace told Lascelles, “I feel like we’re in an amazing place and you know again I hope you make a good decision at the end.”
Did Lascelles Make A Promise He Can't Keep?!?
He agreed and reassured her, “I’ll follow through with that 100%.”
While driving to the final bonfire, Lascelles did some reflecting on his time with Trace.
“Trace and I have hit a lot of speed bumps, but I’m super thankful for having those experiences with her,” he said. “It’s hard for me to say where my relationship with Ashley will go. Anything can happen at the final bonfire. I have to do some deep thinking right now.”

Ashley went into the final bonfire nervous, but determined to not go back with Lascelles.
On the other end of it, he knew exactly what he was going to say and do.
Lascelles Swoons Over Trace During Final Bonfire
“I know what I want to say and what I’m going to say. But when you have to look someone in the eye and tell them how you feel, it’s another thing coming,” he admitted.
Lascelles proceeded to thank Ashley for bringing him on “Temptation Island” and expressed how much he loved and cared for her while simultaneously expressing his gratitude for Trace.
“I’m super happy that you’ve invited me to this journey where I can truly focus on myself with no distractions. Just focus on me and have those deep intimate conversations. I’ve been able to really dig deep. You’d be surprised how many times I’ve cried. I’ve cried probably over 15 times being here. It took me to get out of our relationship for me to be like, ‘Man, why do I feel this way,’” he said.

Not sure if that was supposed to be a backhanded compliment, but I digress.
Lascelles continued, “I had to fully invest in this knowing you’re going to be doing the same thing. But, there pretty much… there was one person who was super beneficial in my growth and her name was Trace. She is an amazing person and Trace has challenged me to become a better version of myself and I hope you had the exact same experience.”
Ashley expressed how disrespected she felt by Lascelles words and actions toward Trace.
“What really upset me about this whole thing is that every single bonfire clip was you disrespecting me,” Ashley admitted. “The main two bonfire clips hurt me so much was the part where you said, you were telling Trace ‘forget about Ashley. I want you as my girlfriend, my wife, you’re the one I need in my life.’ And the last one you said, ‘I love you.’”
She felt she didn’t deserve that after seven years together.
To add insult to injury, Ashley told Lascelles, “I didn’t see growth in those clips, I didn’t see you really, truly love yourself in those clips.”
Ashley Says She Saw ZERO Growth In Lascelles

He ensured her he didn’t mean any disrespect toward her and continued to brag about how influential Trace was during his time on the island.
This brought Ashley to tears.
“I’m sorry I didn’t give you the space to be who you are and that strong independent man you’re capable of becoming. Because now I see that I kind of just took advantage of you in a way where you only focused on me. You never put yourself first,” she said crying which in turn sent Lascelles into a fit of tears.
Despite everything said and done during their time on “Temptation Island,” Ashley’s decision is to LEAVE with Lascelles and work things out.
Lascelles’ decision, which I think viewers may already know, will be aired next week.
Tune into “Temptation Island” on Wednesday on USA Network at 10 PM ET / 7 PM PT.