Britney Spears Reveals When Her Memoir Will Be Released
By Kristin Myers on May 9, 2022 at 8:00 AM EDT
Singer Britney Spears has a lot of reveals today, including when her new memoir will be available to read!
The first slide of her Instagram post displayed a photo of her cat named Wendy, sitting on the veil of her wedding dress.

“Introducing Wendy 🐈 !!! It’s MEOW time boys and girls 😬 And yes, this is the veil to my wedding dress 👰🏼♀️ !!!” she captioned the snap.
Britney Spears Wants To Talk About Secrets

The “Oops!... I Did It Again” singer began her first slide by talking about secrets. “Are secrets special?” she mused. “Are secrets offensive ??!”
“I will be honest I never spoke at all when I was younger,” Britney wrote. “I think I was just shy because I can’t even stand in a room with people I don’t know.”
She said that her anxiety is “absolutely horrible” but ventured that “maybe it was the way I was brought up.” She said she was raised with the rule: “you don’t speak unless [you’re] spoken to.”
“I honestly think I was too polite,” Britney ventures. “Maybe [that’s] the reason I was taken advantage of most of my life.”

“I want to talk about secrets !!!” Britney went on. She called the secrets that she’s been holding onto for the past fifteen years “absolutely paralyzing.”
“I was a f---ing nun in my conservatorship !!!” she added. “The prayer of silence I’ve endured would possibly offend the pope.”
She said that, when she wanted to be open in her conservatorship, “they looked at me like I was crazy, even during shows with hundreds of people underneath the stage.”
Britney Spears Feels Disrespected

Britney complained that they were always “whispering” to her in her conservatorship.
“I had so many complaints I wanted to share and bring up,” Britney said, alleging that she was told to “keep shut.”
She said that she was “ripped of [her] woman hood” in the years of her conservatorship “and that’s a long time !!!”
“Do you know how many times I was disrespected by people, even my own SUPPORT, and I wanted to literally raise h---?” Britney asked, before stating that she “will sit over here in silence and keep my mouth shut and be a quiet nun.”

Britney also criticized “the state of Los Angeles” saying that she couldn’t understand how they “could agree with what was done to me 4 years ago !!! Especially for 4 months !!!”
She alleged that they questioned her for 7 days a week, 10 hours a day, “no lie, with [the] exception of an hour lunch break.” She alleged that, if she tried to question them, their responses were “cold and quick.” She claims they told her, “If you keep this up, you know what we can do to you !!!!”
She added, “The worse response was she’s just crazy !!!”

She said the hardest part of her conservatorship was “the last 2 years before it ended.”
She said she “wanted to literally explode” but “wisely created an image on Instagram – the only window to the outside world showing I’m ok.”
She added that she was not allowed to talk about the conservatorship or do an interview about it “until it was over !!! Can you imagine with my sister and her drama book and what happened to me ???”
Britney Spears Says That Her Memoir Is Coming Soon

Britney said that she wanted to “explode” and “I couldn’t keep having that all in.”
She said that she began to feel “mad angry ALL THIS TIME !!! Then all the offers of money to tell my side of the story … all the documentaries were trash !!!”
“I’m sure that was ignition to move me forward but honestly I just wanted to spit in any persons face that came near me !!!” she went on.

“S--- maybe now I will need a conservatorship ?!” she asked. “I’m bat s--- f---ing crazy JUST KIDDING … Well not really !!!”
“But I said … just do a book, the easiest way possible and considering my fear of people I might have to write them off for the next day !!!” she added. “Sitting down and sharing my story might not be the safest thing for anyone !!!”
“My book comes out at the end of this year,” she concluded. “Once it’s released not sure what’s gonna happen folks !!!”