Former Advisor To The President Of Ukraine Speaks Out Against Russian Invasion
By Kristin Myers on May 3, 2022 at 11:30 AM EDT
Igor Novikov, the former advisor to the President of Ukraine, is speaking out against the Russian invasion on social media.
On his Instagram account, Novikov spoke candidly and freely about the senseless violence happening in Ukraine and about the dangers of Russian propaganda.
Igor Novikov Addresses Russian Propaganda From Ukraine
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Novikov began his post, writing, “According to the kremlin, I’m a liberal neo-Nazi, who spends most of his free time in a George Soros sponsored biolab, working on genetically modified birds that one day will take off for moscow to target the last remaining stronghold of liberty and freedom in the world – peaceful and hardworking people of putin’s russia.”
“As the russian propaganda grows more baroque, my two young daughters, 2 and 13 years of age, together with my Jewish wife are along for the Orwellian narrative ride,” he continued. “Unlike me, they can and will be saved, but only if cleansed by fire, their cleansing – a mission for the brave heroes in green uniforms, marked with a ‘holy’ ‘Z’.”

“If any of this sounds horrifyingly outlandish to you, you’re most definitely not alone,” he added. “However, upon closer inspection, there is a chilling method to this madness, that most people in what putin calls ‘the collective West’ seem to miss.
Igor Novikov Reflects On The History Of Russia

“Modern day russia is a warmongering déjà vu to anyone familiar with its history,” he explained. “A throwback to the late 1920s, when an unlikely and most definitely the least charismatic candidate to the kremlin ‘throne’, named joseph stalin came up with an idea to rapidly industrialize his country, which despite its longstanding ambitions of grandeur had fallen far behind its main political and economic rivals.”
“stalin’s masterplan was brutally simple: to dehumanize the population into complete and unquestionable obedience. His weapons of choice: mass purges and propaganda,” he explained. “That in turn would allow his regime to create de-facto slave labor on both sides of the Gulag gates – a workforce he desperately needed for the war that he deemed inevitable in the future.”
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“Nearly a hundred years later the world is yet again facing a threat from russia, only this time the kremlin going all in on a losing bet has a nuclear aftertaste to it,” he added.
“Numerous squandered opportunities to modernize russia over the course of Putin’s twenty-two years in power mean one thing and one thing only: in the world of quantum computers, artificial intelligence and renewable energy, the former superpower is all, but destined to slowly fade into economic and geopolitical obscurity. And the signs of that are beginning to show...”
‘the war in Ukraine has once and for all destroyed a myth about putin’s military might’
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“First and foremost, the war in Ukraine has once and for all destroyed a myth about putin’s military might,” Novikov continued. “Regardless what the kremlin might think or say in its constant propaganda showreels, there are no advanced weapons, autonomous robots or any futuristic dark horses in play for the foreseeable future. russia’s war machine is nothing more, but a rebranded army of the late Brezhnev era, plagued by corruption and incompetence. There is no ‘on to Berlin’ or beyond. There isn’t even an ‘on to Okhtyrka’ at this point.”
“Another failure of epic proportions for russia is slowly, but surely being revealed as the sanctions begin to bite,” he said. “Just as is the case with russia’s armed forces, the country’s economy cannot sustainably move away from its reliance on western technologies, largely due to the fact that the patriotic marketing of Sukhoi Superjets or Ladas simply isn’t enough to make them fly or drive without imported parts. Anyone familiar with the term ‘exponential growth’ knows two simple facts – it cannot be faked, and there is no catching up, with or without a Gulag.”
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“Next come the sanctions against the backbone of putin’s economy – russia’s fossil fuel exports,” he went on. “These measures won’t be immediate and russia, despite the popular opinion, won’t collapse overnight. At the same time, all of this only means one thing: the country that still sees itself as a superpower will imminently turn into a less stable North Korea and the brainwashed population will finally get to taste the rebirth of Gulag.”
“For better or for worse, most of us aren’t privy to what’s being said deep within the Orwellian world of the kremlin, but one thing is certain,” he warned. “Sooner or later the worst geopolitical chess player in history will face one simple truth: this brutal and unnecessary war of his making inevitably ends with a regime change, and not the one he planned for.”
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Novikov concluded, “And regardless of what happens after that dangerous moment, he definitely won’t be there to pick up the pieces…”