Thousands Sign Petition Calling On Coachella To Drop Kanye West: 'He's A Bully'
By Kristin Myers on March 18, 2022 at 8:30 AM EDT
It seems like Kanye West is making more foes than friends lately.
On Wednesday, he went on a posting spree, taking aim at everyone from Pete Davidson to D.L. Hughley to Trevor Noah. Although his comments were more toned down than Sunday’s “I can afford to hurt u” post, he still called “The Daily Show” host a series of racial slurs, which resulted in a 24-hour Instagram ban.
After launching not one but two graphic animated attacks through his “Eazy” music videos, his fans have finally had enough and have asked Coachella to pull him from their headlining event.
Over 5,000 People Signed A Petition To Remove Kanye West From Coachella!

A user named “Kim Pete” started a Charge.org petition requesting 5,000 signatures. As of Friday morning, the petition – simply titled “Remove Kanye From Coachella!” – has exceeded that amount and are looking to draw in even more signature.
“We have watched Kanye harass, manipulate, and hurt Kim, Pete, and others for over a year now. No one seems to want to stand up to him, and the ones that do, he puts under fire as well,” the statement begins.

“Most recently, he has been threatening actual bodily harm on others. This is ridiculous that he is allowed to freely do this,” they continue. “Coachella (along with other brand names that are still working with him) should be ashamed of themselves and should not be giving him any more of a platform. Please sign & share!”
It appears that the petition was started by a Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson fan page on Instagram. The page, which has accumulated over 30,000 followers, calls itself a fan page dedicated to “All Things Kim, Pete, and Kardashian, and Whatever else.”
Why Are People Signing The Petition To Remove Kanye West From Coachella?

People had a plethora of reasons for signing. “He’s a bully,” one person wrote. “Promoting domestic violence,” said another. “The amount of abuse/veiled threats etc should not be celebrated/tolerated,” said a third. Some fans also shared that they had been victims of domestic violence and found his rhetoric harmful and damaging.
“Bullying should not be tolerated. Kanye West is not king of the world,” one user wrote. “People need to be accountable for their actions.”
“Kanye is a narcissistic egotistical bully who thinks his money and celebrity give him a free pass to abuse, threaten, shame, and defame others,” another commented. “Why he has been allowed to get away with this appalling behavior for so long is a joke.”

“His misogynistic, racist and violent rhetoric is abusive to his own children, and ours. He’s allowed people to use him to further their own personal enrichment,” another shared. “Suddenly, Kanye was interested in meeting Putin—right after he had dinner with Jared Kushner. Kanye needs a mental health evaluation. He’s surrounded by false friends who are just using him. He’s been calling himself God. Awaken your conscience and help this man.”
“His constant and restless attacks on the mother of his children isn't a behavior that should be rewarded. By allowing him to be a headliner at a highly attended and much sought after event only makes him feel justified for what he is doing,” another noted. Kayne thinks he is one of the greatest artists and insults other artists all the time. By having him headline it could take away from the other artists that have worked hard.”

“Kanye ‘Ye’ West's continued non-stop vicious verbal attacks and threats on Kim, Pete, and others is astounding. Why Kim & Pete have not proceeded with getting an order of protection against Kanye is unbelievable,” another wrote. “Kanye has lost control of Kim, and he's trying every platform he can to gain that control back, even using his children as leverage. Coachella should remove Kanye as he should not be rewarded with bad behavior.”
“He already threatened to remove himself from the Coachella headline if Billy Eilish, who Kanye also demonized with his verbal attack on Billy, so to protect Billy because Kanye uses bullying tactics and is a loose cannon,” they continued. “Coachella should do it for him and remove Kanye, as he will surely as he often does use the Coachella stage for his platform and preach his blister, verbal, negative onslaught against Pete, Kim, and others.”