The Blast Readers React To Kanye West's Latest Instagram Threats
By Kristin Myers on March 18, 2022 at 10:30 AM EDT
Last Sunday, The Blast reported on some strange threats that Kanye Westmade against comedian D.L. Hughley.
After making it clear to ex KimKardashian that he wasn’t comfortable having his daughter, North West, on TikTok, he took aim at Hughley, calling him a pawn. “Yeah I know a king not supposed to address a pawn but I address everything and find addresses,” he warned. “So don’t speak on me or my children I can afford to hurt u.”
His comments drew a lot of intention online, including from The Blast readers, who left over 9,000 reactions and 3,000 comments on the post that was shared over 400 times.
Fans Think Kanye West 'Needs Help So Bad'
Many fans felt that the “Donda” rapper was in need of some kind of intervention.
“This man is clearly NOT at peace. He is tormented every single day by his inner demons,” one user wrote. “May he find inner peace and move on.”
“He started this now he's playing the victim. Screen shots all the judge need to see. He's unfit at this very moment,” another commented. “He will be for a awhile until he snaps out if it. If he does......”
“He doesn’t make any sense at all about his Daughter being on Tik Tok or the children being at their school, when he equally doesn’t set any kind of an example for them with what he says or his actions,” another pointed out.
'I Hope He Gets The Help He Needs'

“He definitely needs some serious Mental health help, before he dives off the deep end and hurts someone. All the signs are there. I hope he gets the help he needs before some gets seriously hurt or worse!!!” said another. “I’d be scared to be in Kim & Pete’s shoes.”
“If I was to say and do half the crap that he is pulling- I would either be in jail or I’d have a restraining order against me! Why is he allowed to pull this c---?” another asked. “I honestly hope Kim and her new BF have good security! So sad.”
“This man has been mentally unstable even before his mother passed away. When she passed, he got so much worse. He needs help so bad,” another wrote. “He is going to hurt Kim and Pete and in turn his children. He's not well. He's threatened harm in so many ways so far.”
Kanye West 'Needs A Conservatorship ASAP'

“Sounds like HE needs a conservatorship ASAP. Or do we just save those for women?” another asked. “He clearly isn't competent to care for himself...much less their children. He has done much worse than shave his head and smack a car with an umbrella....yet, he's free and legally protected to do and say as he pleases!”
“I think an expert psych evaluation with emergency guardianship is needed for him. He needs mental health help and he will never get better continuing down this path. It’s a very sad situation,” another wrote.
However, there were some fans that thought Kanye’s reactions were justified, given what Ye is going through.
Kanye West's Feelings ‘Are Not Void Just Because He Is Famous’

“He is human and has feelings.. His feelings are not void just because he is famous..” one user wrote. “When people do things to emotionally hurt people and slander them and involve their kids, I’m sure anyone would be upset.. the media always and has always painted people in whatever light they choose to run with for a story..”
“Seems to me it’s a deliberate and orchestrated act to provoke this man into reacting so that he would react and lose everything that is meaningful to him,” another noted. “I wished he would listen to sound advice and not play that game with them. I am so sorry that his mother (seemingly his rock), is not there in his corner.”
'Maybe Both Parents And Kiddos Might Benefit From Family Counseling'

“People are being so judgmental to Ye,” another commented. There is absolutely nothing wrong with fighting for his family. He is doing what every man does, desperate calls, desperate measures!”
“It sounds like maybe both parents and kiddos might benefit from family counseling. It's so hard co-parenting when the views are so different,” another wrote. “Moving forward I hope they are able to stop the drama and really focus on their kids without hurtful emotions and words. It's too easy to fall into the trap of revenge mode. A lot of us have been there. I pray for all involved and wish both sides the best.”