Watch Oscar Isaac Lick Fake Blood Off A Sword In 'SNL' Monologue
By Kristin Myers on March 6, 2022 at 6:00 PM EST
On Saturday, Oscar Isaac hosted “Saturday Night Live” for the very first time.
Isaac became a hit with audiences after appearing as Resistance pilot Poe Dameron in the “Star Wars” sequel trilogy. He’s since traded one Disney franchise for another and will be leading the cast of Marvel’s live-action comic book adaptation of “Moon Knight” when it premieres on Disney+ on March 30.
Oscar Isaac Hosts ‘Saturday Night Live’ For The Very First Time!

The audience erupted into cheers as Isaac walked out onto the “Saturday Night Live” stage.
“Thank you so much. I’m so excited to be here. This is my first time hosting SNL,” Isaac said. “They actually asked me to host back in 2015 but I said, ‘Nah, I’m not ready. I want to wait until after the pandemic.’ And they were like, ‘What pandemic?'”

“My name is Oscar Isaac, but my full name is Oscar Isaac Hernández Estrada,” he continued.
“I said to Hollywood, ‘You can pick two of these names.’ Guess what they went with? The white ones,” he joked. “I’m half Guatemalan, half Cuban—or, as casting directors call that, ‘Ethnically ambiguous.’ According to them, I can play anything from a pharaoh to Timothée Chalamet’s daddy.”
“You know that joke about a priest, a rabbi, and a minister walking into a bar,” Isaac asked? “Yeah,” he asked. “Yeah, I could play anyone in that joke.”
Oscar Isaac Expresses Excitement For Joining The Marvel Cinematic Universe

“But I am excited,” he continued. “I am joining the Marvel universe with ‘Moon Knight.’”
“You know, it’s kind of a full-circle moment since the first time I was called in was called ‘The Avenger,’” he explained. “Not ‘The Avengers’, which was a massive blockbuster. No, no. This was ‘The Avenger’, which is a movie I wrote, directed =m and starred in when I was 10 years old. It was shot on location in my buddy Bruce Ferguson’s backyard, in our hometown of Miami, Florida. I play a ninja assassin training to fight his nemesis, and we actually have a clip. This is real. Check this out.”
The screen then cuts to a rough opening title with a young Oscar Isaac practicing his martial arts moves. The video shows himself chopping through a board, which had already been cut in half. “I trained two months for this,” Isaac quipped.
Oscar Isaac Had ‘Total Commitment’ To His Craft From A Young Age

“Arguably better than the real Avengers, and I made it for half the budget—only about $110 million,” he joked. “But I took it really seriously—maybe a little too seriously. Like in this scene.”
It shows Isaac “acting his heart out” before it cuts to a shot of Bruce’s father in the background, cleaning the pool. “Shout-out to Mr. Ferguson and shout-out to my buddy, Bruce,” Isaac continued. “He’s at home watching and he had no idea our old movie was going to be on ‘SNL.’”
“I actually had to sign a licensing agreement to show it. It’s true,” Isaac continued. “NBCUniversal now owns ‘The Avenger,’ coming this fall to Peacock.”
“I’ve got one more clip,” Isaac continued. “This is a scene I did myself where I play both parts.”
Isaac plays a bad guy and his own henchman, who he stabs with a “sword” in the eye. The scene then cuts to a young Isaac licking the fake blood off his prop sword.
“Total commitment from the start,” Isaac tells a cheering audience.
“Now you may be asking, Oscar, why are you using your monologue to show us old home videos? And the reason is, it’s important to encourage kids to be weirdos,” Isaac said. “Because every once in a while, one of those weirdos grows up to host SNL.”
Someone hands him a prop sword covered in fake blood, which Isaac dutifully licks.
Fans Are ‘Over The Moon’ With Oscar Isaac’s SNL Monologue!
“Love that ending part,” one fan wrote. “Everyone should always embrace their weirdness.”
“This monologue was great!” another added.
“So many of the monologists use the chance to talk about nothing but themselves, maybe True here also but also this is my favorite one in many years of watching the show,” another commented.
“He’s so charming,” another added. “Can’t wait to see him in Moon Knight.”
“That video of Oscar Isaac when he was 10 was priceless,” another wrote. “Crazy what he did with that sword. He really got into his part.”
Fans can continue watching Isaac practice “total commitment” to his craft when he adopts a British accent and multiple personalities for his upcoming role as “Moon Knight,” available for streaming on Disney+ on March 30.