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Watch The DUMBEST Video You'll Ever See On Facebook!

Home / Stars / Watch The DUMBEST Video You'll Ever See On Facebook!

By MLC on February 26, 2022 at 11:13 AM EST
Updated on September 13, 2023 at 8:24 AM EDT

Social media is chock full of content.

And many people think they’ve seen it all.  The hilarious, sad, happy, endearing, horrifying, disgusting, X-Rated, the fluffy types of content across social media.

But, what The Blast is about to present to you might just be the DUMBEST video to ever live on the internet.

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We Present You The DUMBEST Video Ever!

Dumbest FB video ever
Facebook / Sundsvall Flames

The video has gone viral on Facebook with many viewers expressing their pure disgust for what a time suck it is.

The video titled, “Her teacher’s face when he POPS it!!,” has garnered over 16M views, 15K comments and 23K reactions.

The video features a girl who appears to be naked behind a big pink balloon that reads “POP ME!”

She plays the role of a student begging her teacher for an A+.

The video lasts 14 minutes and 17 seconds.

SPOILER ALERT… the BIG (and DUMBEST) reveal comes within the last 17 seconds.

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It's Like A Gender Reveal But For Grades

For these painful 14 minutes the “student” and “professor,” who mind you looks all of 18 – 20 years old, go back-and-forth about why she deserves to get a good grade.

She teases that she has a “huge thing I’ve been wanting to tell you.”

It definitely gives off soft-core pornography vibes if I’m being quite honest.

And pornographic material is NOT permitted on Facebook, nor should anything pretending to be it be allowed.

Basically, the entire video is like a gender reveal but for this “student’s” classroom grade.

Many people were going off in the comments section and it’s absolutely hysterical!

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Viewers Are HIGHLY UNIMPRESSED & Ticked Off

One person wrote, “Wait, wait, people are freaking stupid, and I almost kept watching. Get a real life and quit these stupid videos that waste my valuable time. That’s what makes me hate. Social media! Sorry, I don’t follow the stupids.”

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“Uh That video was. Painful all just to s ay she got an A+ so just skipped right over the video no need,” another thoroughly annoyed viewer wrote.

This critic echoed my feelings writing, “Well that was five minutes of my life I’ll never get back.”

She Reveals She Got An A+....😑

“That went on way too long for no reason because we already knew she wasn’t naked so why drag it out that long smh,” yet another PO’d viewer wrote.

This person gave no spoiler alert and went straight for the jugular writing, “Good job she wasn’t naked, she’d of caught pneumonia standing there that long!.”

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Facebook / Sundsvall Flames

It’s clear the consensus of the viewers HATED this video and I am in complete agreement.

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