Walmart Employee Gets Trapped In Building, Boss Tells Him To Stay There Overnight!
By Kristin Myers on February 13, 2022 at 8:56 AM EST
One Walmart employee had the scare of a lifetime.
The worker took to Reddit's legal advice forum to ask what they should do. The employee was stationed inside the fast-food restaurant, which is located inside many Walmart locations. While he was trying to leave, the gate door seized and he was unable to get out. Both his direct boss and Walmart's head manager told him to wait, inside the closed fast food location, all night until morning.
The employee was, fortunately, able to use his phone to reach out for advice. Should he call the fire department? Would he be fired? Take a look at the situation as it developed below!
'If I Had Some Sort Of Medical Emergency In Here, I'm Not Sure What I'd Do'

The employee began the post by explaining that he worked inside the fast-food restaurant inside of Walmart. When he was ready to leave for the night, the gate door seized and refused to open. When he called his manager, they informed him that he was going to be stuck there all night long!
"I work at a fast food restaurant, inside of a Walmart," the employee explained. "I closed the gate door for closing procedures, did my closing duties, and now as i try to leave the gate door is siezed, it will not open."
"I have tried, and others on the outside of the door have tried, it is not that i am just too weak, i open and close this door 5x a week," he added.
"I called my manager and was told i'll be stuck here at least all night long, if not longer if they cant get the door open in the morning," he wrote.
"There is no emergency exit in the restaurant, there is inside the walmart but i cant leave the restaurant," he added. "No windows either."
"Am I entitled to wages for all the time stuck in here?" he asked. "Do I have any legal recourse for this? If I had some sort of medical emergency in here, Im not sure what i'd do. I have diagnosed anxiety disorder and this is certainly making it worse."
'My Boss Made It Very Clear That I Am *Not* To Call The Fire Department'

Taking advice from other concerned users on the forum, the worker decided to call the Walmart head manager, who wasn't exactly helpful either!
"EDIT: I called the walmart head manager, he said unfortunately theres nothing he can personally do aside from call my boss," he explained.
"I called my boss myself and said if they cant get down here and open the door, im going to call the fire department and have them open it," he continued.
"My boss made it very clear that i am *not* to call the fire department as they will ruin the door, and they will be here first thing in the morning..if i am fired for calling the fire dept to get out, is that wrongful termination?" he asked.
However, he realized that there was no way he could stay stuck inside a Walmart fast-food location all night.
"I did call them as my boss refused to come in again.." he shared. "heres to hoping i dont lose my job."
'The Fire Dept. Will Be Staying Until I Am Confirmed Out'

Fortunately, the local fire department arrived and made sure to stay with the employee until it was confirmed that he was able to leave safely.
"EDIT2: The firemen chief (idk his actual title, the guy in charge of the men who showed up for the fire dept.) called my boss and told him if he doesn't come in and get something in action like calling a door technician or a locksmith or something, they will be cutting up the door," he explained.
"So he's coming in and going to figure something out, and some of the fire dept. will be staying until i am confirmed out," he added.
"If its going to take an unreasonable amount of time with the solution he chooses theyre going to cut me out anyway due to safety concerns," he shared. "Thank you everyone!"
'If I Am Fired For This Event... I May Make A Second Post'

Fortunately, the employee was able to post his last update from his car before he headed home for the night!
"Final edit: thank you everyone for the concern, i am out and in my car now, unfortunately for my boss and the store owners the door had to be cut as no locksmiths were available and door techs wouldnt be there until tomorrow afternoon, and it is 10pm my time," he explained. The employee never said what time he started his shift.
"If i am fired for this event..i may make a 2nd post referencing this one," he added, before addressing the many concerns from other users that there was no emergency exit in the restaurant itself.
"I am sure something will be done about there being no emergency exit in the restaurant, the fire cheif was not happy about that," he shared. "I've never had to call 911 or anything before and was very hesitant, but all the comments suggesting so eased my mind i wasn't being over dramatic."
"TLDR; Thank you, I am safe now."