Britney Spears Calls Jamie Lynn 'Scum': Stop 'Making Money Off Of Me'
By Kristin Myers on January 29, 2022 at 8:13 AM EST
Singer Britney Spears is again lashing out her little sister, Jamie Lynn Spears.
On Thursday, Jamie Lynn took to Instagram to share her recent success with her fans. Her memoir, "Things I Should Have Said" became a national bestseller, which meant that Jamie Lynn was now a best-selling author.
“I can’t believe I’m officially a NATIONAL BEST SELLING AUTHOR!” she wrote. “I have no words except how grateful I am that I was able share my story with y’all.”

She added, “This has been one of the most challenging and vulnerable things I have ever done and I just honestly can’t thank y’all enough for the support and kindness.”
Britney, however, wasn't having it. In an earlier Twitter message, Britney asked her to "please, please stop with these crazy lies for the Hollywood books."
But after Jamie Lynn celebrated her success, Britney accused her of making money off of her life.
Britney Spears Lashes Out, Calls Jamie Lynn 'Scum'

On Friday night, Britney took to Instagram to call out her sister.
“National best seller ???? DUH …. the timing of your book was unbelievable Jamie Lynn … especially knowing the whole world had no clue what was really done to me !!!!” Britney began.
“My whole family including you is saying YOU DIDN’T KNOW …. Bulls--- !!!”
She included two videos of the woman on “The Real” talking about how “loyalty is so important.”
“She called have called this ‘Things I should have said to my sister and my sister alone,’” one said. “Why did you feel the need to clear your name to millions of people who are not your family members, who is not your blood, your DNA…”
“But what these women are saying here is pretty clear !!!!” Britney continued. “I’m just kinda shocked that more people like these real soul sisters aren’t telling it like it is !!!”
Britney Says She Is ‘Not Surprised’ By How Many Copies Of The Book Sold

“Congrats best seller … I’m not surprised at all !!!” Britney continued. “The nerve of you to sell a book now and talk s--- but your f---ing lying just like you lied about Alexa Nikolas !!!!”
“I wish you would take a lie detector test so all these masses of people see you’re lying through your teeth about me !!!!” she wrote. “I wish the almighty, Lord would could come down and show this whole world that you’re lying and making money off of me !!!! You are scum, Jamie Lynn.”
This is far from the first time that Britney has called her sister scum. In a previous Twitter message, Britney wrote, “NOW and only NOW I do know only a scum person would make up such things about someone.”
Fans Have Britney’s Back: ‘Seems Like There Are A Lot Of Lies’

Many fans stood up for Britney and mentioned that many other people in Jamie Lynn’s circle have also stepped forward to claim that Jamie Lynn fabricated events about them in her book.
“The book should’ve been titled ‘things I should’ve kept to myself’ because it seems like there are a lot of lies spread about various people…” one fan wrote.
“Babe she sold like zero copies and is found on no best selling lists, she lied about that too so don’t worry it’s still a flop!” another wrote.
“H--- yes! Speak your truth, B!” another wrote. “It’s the only one we care about.”

“They all just wanted to make money off you,” another chimed in. “So sad. Family can be the most heartbreaking. I’m so sorry.”
“No one trusts what JL has to say or ‘write,’” another commented.
“Yes yes YES!!!!!” another said. “We know the truth and that’s all that matters honey. You are LOVED.”
Britney Fans Drown Jamie Lynn’s Memoir In Negative Reviews

As of yesterday, Jamie Lynn’s memoir “Things I Should Have Said: Family, Fame, and Figuring It Out” had 286 ratings on Amazon. It had an overall rating of 2.6 out of 5 stars. 31% of those ratings were 5-star reviews, while 51% were 1-star reviews.
“I read this book and a lot of the things that were stated are lies,” one user wrote. “She mentioned things about Britney Spears, Sam Lufti and her old costar Alexi which all publicly called Jaime Lynn a liar. Also, Jaime Lynn stated this book is not about Britney, however she mentions Britney 230 times for clout. I do not recommend this book at all.”

“This book is the story about a corrupt family and how they stayed silent witnessing abuse, exploitation and human trafficking all because of greed,” another user wrote. “Wouldn’t recommend buying or reading this book.”
“More of a tell-all than a memoir,” another added. “While we can’t know the facts behind the scenes, her account of events feels disingenuous and dramatized with a skew towards the author’s moral infallibility. All of the stories are intended to present Jamie Lynn as a bullied martyr, but they end up falling flat when, every time, everyone in the world is at fault but her.”
Fans can check out the videos and Britney's full post below!
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