Britney Spears and Jamie Lynn

Britney Spears Continues Feud With Jamie Lynn: 'You Selfish Little Brat!'

Home / Internet & social media / Britney Spears Continues Feud With Jamie Lynn: 'You Selfish Little Brat!'

By Kristin Myers on January 19, 2022 at 3:21 PM EST

Britney Spears continued on her Instagram post that she started and then deleted last night. Some fans thought that Britney was savage last night, but she has some harsh new words for sister Jamie Lynn Spears and her new memoir.

“I flew home to Jamie Lynn on the couch watching her tv shows right after Justin and I broke up…” she began. “I was a ghost there !!!!!”

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“I had worked my whole life and I didn’t know how to be served by Mamma …” she continued. “Sit there and get served the chocolate milkshakes with the perfectly crushed ice with the secret chunky sugar meanwhile Jamie Lynn is 12, she indulges with the TV for hours then goes to lay out on a raft at the pool.”

“I’m in shock because this was never my life !!!!” Britney added. “Justin’s family was all I knew for many years …”

“Things were different now and Jamie Lynn had a new Nickelodeon show … All I remember saying was ‘D— !!! How the hell does a 12 year old land a Nickelodeon show ????’”

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“….. HMMMMMMMM …. Well I never got my iced chocolate drink !!!” she continued. “I mean yeah … I’m grown up right ??? But then maybe I might need a little support.”

Britney seems to shift gears a little bit, writing, “It was a People Magazine cover … The people show up and as Jamie Lynn says, I was scared !!!! F— yeah !!!”

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Britney Spears
Britney Spears / Instagram

“My Mamma was on pain medication and could barely hold a conversation in the house because her and my dad split and she was more messed up than anything !!!!” she went on. “I remember her sitting on the floor in a conversation and she never got up…”

“And I’m sorry Jamie Lynn, I wasn’t strong enough to do what should have been done … slapped you and Mamma right across your f—ing faces !!!!!”

“And WHY do I say that ????” Britney asks. “You selfish little brat !!!! Saying how weird and dumb it was that I bought a house for Mamma !!!! She was so proud and you told that interview girl that it was just weird ….. LIKE I GUESS I WILL JUST WALK IN THESE HALLS … Why did you say that ???”

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“And why watching your at length interview … Really 2 HOURS of more ?????” she asks. “And the topic about the knife which is ironically the only lie you’ve ever told in your whole life … Why is that conversation 20 min ??? and the most degrading to me … OH BUT you don’t want to keep talking about it because you don’t want to HURT ANYBODY’S feelings … yet you let it linger forever saying you felt unsafe with me and WEIRD ….”

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“F--- you Jamie Lynn !!!!” Britney wrote. “My mouth was on the floor the way you talked back to Mamma when I came home … Shocked out of my mind !!!!!”

“You were f---ing hateful to her and I know Mamma had been lazy with me but I’m sorry you deserved WAY MORE than a purse knocked at you by Mamma … She should have WHIPPED YOUR A-- ...”

“Poor Momma took it too just like I did in the end,” Britney added. “She worshipped you too much I know but if you came out of my stomach I would have popped the s--- out of your little a-- …”

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“When I came home you and your little friends all thought I wasn’t cool,” she added. “You felt bad for me in the breakup … HELL NO you didn’t !!!” You and your friends all dyed your hair like Christina Aguilera and you no longer would play with me anymore !!!!”

“I NEVER shut you out ever … I get it, you were 12 but you were f---ing hateful to Mamma being cool with your stupid dark hair …” she added. “You can paint it however you like but dear child …. YOU shut me out when I needed you the most !!!!”

“Writing in your book saying I wasn’t like your mom anymore … No, you hurt me,” Britney concluded.

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Fans showed overwhelming support for the singer in the comments. The post got over 50,000 likes within half an hour of being posted.

“Love you Britney!!!” one fan wrote. “I’m praying you get all the justice you deserve in this heartbreaking situation.”

“Speak your truth, Britney,” another fan commented.

“I think it’s time YOU get to do a tell-all interview and write your own book,” another fan wrote.

Jamie Lynn has yet to respond to this latest call-out.
