Hayley Williams Confirms Paramore Is BACK In The Studio!
By Kristin Myers on January 11, 2022 at 5:00 PM EST
“Paramore” lead singer Hayley Williams is back in the studio!
Believe it or not, the band behind hits like “Misery Business” and “Ain’t It Fun” haven’t released an album in five years! Their last album was “After Laughter,” which was released in 2017.
Together with guitarist Taylor York and drummer Zac Farro, the band is hard at work on their sixth studio album!
Hayley Williams Reveals Paramore Is Working On Album #6!
![Hayley Williams of Paramore performs on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' in Hollywood, CA. 17 May 2017 Pictured: Paramore, Hayley Williams. Photo credit: PressPhotoDirectLA / MEGA TheMegaAgency.com +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA36029_001.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency]](https://theblast.prod.media.wordpress.mattersmedia.io/brand-img/123/0x0/2021/10/MEGA36029_001-e1638361288322.jpg?)
In a new interview with Rolling Stone, Williams revealed that they still don’t have a title for their new album. Although they finished their songwriting sessions in Nashville, they have flown out to a new studio in California to record.
Although Williams admitted that she and York had been taking a look back at their earliest influences, she doesn’t think that Paramore will release a “comeback ‘emo’ record.” Instead, they are hoping to grow into a new sound that their fans might not have heard before.
“The music we were first excited by wasn’t exactly the kind of music we went on to make,” Williams said. “Our output has always been all over the place and with this project, it’s not that different. We’re still in the thick of it but some things have remained consistent from the start.”
The first thing that the sixth album does is “put more emphasis on the guitar.” The band realized that the second rule to making a great album is that “Zac should go as Animal as he wants with drum takes.”
Hayley Williams Says Paramore Is ‘Treading Uncharted Waters’

The band has come a long way from their first album, “All We Know Is Falling.” Even still, the band is always looking to be inventive with their music and take fans in new directions.
“We wrote and tracked something we loved and it actually surprised us. I’m always waiting for the moment for us to know we’re onto something new and we’re not just rehashing the same s---,” Williams continued.
“It was ‘Ain’t It Fun’ for our self-titled record, and ‘Hard Times’ or ‘Told You So’ for ‘After Laughter,’” she added. “It’s not about it feeling like a hit so much as it’s a scary, exciting feeling that you’re treading uncharted waters. It keeps you curious. We got to feel that feeling early on this time.”
Williams also admitted that the band began the process of making their new album “a couple of months ago.” However, Williams didn’t tease Paramore's return until last November.
Williams Subtly Teased Paramore’s Return In November Newsletter

In 2020, Williams stepped away from the band she created to record her own solo album called “Petals For Armor.” She followed up the critically acclaimed album in 2021 with “Flowers For Vases/descansos.”
In a newsletter to the Paramore fanbase, Williams posted a heartfelt message to her fans thanking them for their support while she created her solo albums.
“The last few years went by so far and yet they were so full,” Williams began. “When the band decided to come home in 2018 for an extended break, I really thought I’d just be home recharging. Maybe I’d travel for fun instead of work. Definitely, I’d spend a lot of time with family, catching up on whatever I thought ‘normalcy’ felt like.”
She continued, “In the thick of it all, I wrote. Enough to make up 2 solo albums! The kind of albums I swore I’d never make! Because how dare anyone, most of all me, think for a second that my loyalty to Paramore had dwindled. The guys were by my side nearly the entire process. If not actually working on the project with me then cheering me on. I even got to write with a few friends outside of – but very much connected to – Paramore, who taught me so much and gave me so much to be inspired by. Petals would likely not even exist if not for Joey Howard, his bass guitar, and a drum machine!!”

Williams added, “I’m so thankful for this experience. I got to (very literally) dance with demons I’d been too afraid to even acknowledge before. This deluxe edition of Petals For Armor + Flower for Vases/descansos is a summary of all the lessons and beautiful moments I don’t ever want to forget, in one place.”
“Before I go, thank y’all so much for the incredible support these last couple years,” she concluded. “I know we didn’t get to properly come together to sing and vent and sweat it all out… but I do think that Petals and descansos lived exactly the lives they were meant to. Besides, Paramore can’t be ‘on a break’ forever now can we?”
“I love y’all. See you sometime next year? Hayley.”
Now that Williams has confirmed that the band is recording, fans have their fingers crossed that they’ll get to listen to new Paramore songs before the year is done!