Hilaria Baldwin Encourages Fans To ‘Be A Care Bear’ In 2022
By Kristin Myers on January 4, 2022 at 4:30 PM EST
Entrepreneur Hilaria Baldwin is really getting down with this Care Bear thing!
In a new Instagram video, Hilaria said that one of her new goals of 2022 is to encourage her fans to be kind, despite the good or bad moments in life.
She began, “The kindness message today is how we tend to oversimplify people’s personalities based on very small interactions and then we decide to gossip about it.”
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“And then we are spreading around hate, because gossip is hate,” she continued. “And then we’re putting that negativity into the world. So the idea is to be kind is to afford people the good and the bad moments that we all have in our life.”
“Ultimately, we’re all the same,” she concluded. “And, ultimately, we need to get to a place where we respect that we’re so much more complicated than very quick deducements. So see people for the complicated creatures that they are. And you are a complicated creature. And don’t fall for what people say about you because you have a lot of different sides.”
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“You have many sides, we all do,” Baldwin wrote in the caption. “Don’t let people simplify your personality based on a sliver of experience.”
“We all have our ups and downs, our good days and our hard,” she continued. “Let’s afford the same kindness to others with the reality that they are whole people who exist when we aren’t around. And whole people, deserving so much more than to be characterized by nasty gossip.”
She concluded with “Love you and Care Bear stare this s--- out of this one, my #kindwarriors2022.”
This isn’t the first time that Baldwin has talked about Care Bears. In a family photo posted a day earlier, Baldwin asked her fans to bring back the 80s nostalgia and be a Care Bear.
“Remember Care Bears?” she wrote. “The 80s child that I am goes back to blasting a rainbow at negativity. So join me & be a care bear.”
Hilaria Baldwin Is Looking To Bring Kindness Into 2022
![American Museum of Natural History 2019 Museum Gala. 21 Nov 2019 Pictured: Hilaria Baldwin. Photo credit: RCF / MEGA TheMegaAgency.com +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA554066_006.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency]](https://theblast.prod.media.wordpress.mattersmedia.io/brand-img/123/0x0/2022/01/MEGA554066_006-e1641328655853.jpg?)
After a rough 2021, Baldwin has been doing some deep reflection about 2022. In the same post, Baldwin began by saying that “Apparently 2022 is going to be flawless. We have dealt with so much awfulness lately, so it must be about time, right?”
“I planned a whole post & year dedicated to the best year ever,” she continued. “Then I got scared-what if more horrible things happen & I can’t make it all good for everyone? Then I realized that this thinking is the problem. Life is naturally flawed. Its beautiful & tragic, happy & sad. There is no magical: it’s just gonna be good.”
![Hilaria Baldwin pops to a local store to stock up on groceries in Vermont. Earlier, the 37-year-old yoga instructor waited in their car as 63-year-old husband Alec Baldwin was again seen clothes-shopping in the small town of Manchester, which lies about 60 miles northeast of Albany, New York. The sighting of Baldwin and his family in New England comes as it was revealed on Thursday that the Rust producer and his team declined to purchase an insurance package that protects them from horrific instances that prevent the film from being completed. 29 Oct 2021 Pictured: Hilaria Baldwin. Photo credit: MEGA TheMegaAgency.com +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA800571_001.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency]](https://theblast.prod.media.wordpress.mattersmedia.io/brand-img/123/0x0/2021/11/MEGA800571_001-e1637954972515.jpg?)
“Because we know when it inevitably isn’t, so many of give up and throw in the towel,” she shared. “It’s about HOW we ride the ups and downs of life’s waves that will partly determine our quality of life. How we take care of ourselves, how we take care of each other.”
“Which leaves me to this conclusion: dedicate this year to kindness,” she added. “Kindness nurtures others and the world we inhabit and leave to our children. Kind also just feels good. This isn’t Darwinism, the kindness well is never empty-IF we continue to fill it with our will, action and determination.”
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“We have been talking a lot about bullying, particularly online,” she continued. “I’ve been given good info that there are actually very few trolls—they are just loud, create many accounts, and go out of their way to be mean,” she continued. “We have all experienced it. No one creates fake accounts to spread kindness-obviously because we stand by the nice things that we say.”
“Another thing I learned is that the average person is not very vocal about all the nice things we think and feel,” she shared. “We just scroll on with our lives, not taking time for random acts of kindness. Imagine if we began to go out of our way to be kind. It costs nothing and we all have the capacity for kindness. When I hear something kind, it makes my heart so full & helps so much to dissolve negativity.”

“Taking action is the only way to tip the scale back into a positive place,” she added. “We have to add more of the kind ingredient to drown out negativity. Silence will make us weak & give more space to the very few who want to spread negativity.”
“Let’s be vocal for us now, our future, & the environment we leave our children,” she concluded. “We got this #kindwarriors2022.”
“Great message, love the kindness advocacy,” one fan wrote. “We could all be kinder and use more kindness in our lives.”
“Great message!” another added. “Lots of truth in what you shared. Thanks for this!”