Fan Misses His Own Proposal Moment At Dolphins Game!
By TheBlast Staff on December 20, 2021 at 3:20 PM EST
Planning a marriage proposal can be a nerve wracking experience.
So much so that some people need to take the edge off before the big moment by getting some nachos. Maybe that's not typically how things go, but it was the way that a fan at the Miami Dolphins game this Sunday wanted to go about things.
The man who attended the game with his girlfriend had essentially asked the team to help him pop the question. He had it all planned out; the couple was going to get shown on the big screen at Miami's Hard Rock Stadium. It was at that moment that he was going to get on one knee and pop the question. To say that things didn't go as planned would be an understatement.
What Exactly Happened For This Fan At The Dolphins Game?

Talk about having terrible timing. This man had presumably talked to someone in the organization for help with the marriage proposal. We're not entirely sure if there's a hot line for this type of thing, or not.
In any case, the big moment came, and the stadium big screen shared a message that read, "Christine Will You Marry Me?" The announcement had a picture of the couple, but when the jumbotron operator went to a live feed of the couple's seats all that the rest of the fans could see was a woman sitting alone with her hand covering her mouth!
You could hear the big gasp from the crowd who were getting ready to cheer. Had the couple had a big fight just before the announcement was set to be made? What happened?
Missing Your Own Marriage Proposal Over Some Nachos

Ultimately it was revealed that the man was actually stuck in line at the concession stand at the moment that the screen operator decided to cut to his marriage proposal!
You'd think that if you paid the team a couple of extra bucks for something like this they'd give you a heads-up to let you know when you're going live. Apparently not. If you're thinking about doing something like this, it may literally be best to never leave your seat at any moment during the game. Unless you want to run the risk of ending up in the highlight reel of the game for all of the wrong reasons.
By the way, the game itself wasn't necessarily a memorable one. Although the Jets did find a way to keep it close with Miami ultimately edging out the win 31-24.
Did The Story Have A Happy Ending?

According to eyewitnesses in the stadium, and Connor Hughes of The Athletic the story did in fact have a happy ending.
The couple were shown on the screen again later in the game. Christine was seen wearing the ring. Therefore, we have to take that as a yes. How exactly the man proposed after his return from the concession stand is a bit unclear.
The way things played out probably wasn't ideal for anyone involved. Still, marriage is about all of the things that happen after the proposal. So at least they have that to look forward to.