Sylvester Stallone Backtracks On 'Storm' Post, Distances From QAnon
By Rima Pundir on December 8, 2021 at 3:05 AM EST
Last week, Sylvester Stallone put up an Instagram post wearing a hat emblazoned with the letter 'Q' and a dubious caption that read "Heading into the Storm". That was enough fodder for QAnon members who believe in "The Storm".
But Stallone just edited the post and distanced himself from the conspiracy theorists' group and their less-than-believable beliefs. Here's the scoop.
The Varied Beliefs Of QAnon
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The QAnon group loves Donald Trump and that itself should give you pause, say many watching from the sidelines. These were the same people who stormed Capitol Hill and created bedlam.
Other than believing that JFK Jr. is not dead and will arise and team up with Trump to take back the White House and "Make America Great Again", they also believe in Satanism.
QAnon's "The Storm" refers to an event in the future where they believe that once former US President Donald Trump is back in the office, he will round up and put an end to a cabal of "Satanic Democrats" and other societal elites who are involved in child sex trafficking.
The fact that JFK Jr. was a Democrat is immaterial, so is his death. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is too busy dissing Alec Baldwin. Sigh.
The Sylvester Stallone Angle

So when Stallone posted an Instagram picture of him wearing a cap with the letter "Q" and then wrote about the "Storm", QAnon celebrated. This was not a direct endorsement by the star of "Rocky" and "Rambo" but as far as QAnon is concerned, it was enough. Never mind that the group has been deemed a threat by the FBI.
But Stallone back-tracked pretty quickly. He had already faced the cancel culture trolls when rumors broke that he had joined Trump's Mar-A-Lago resort. He later denied any such involvement but the damage was done. While Stallone has shared good relations with Trump, he was not a public support figure in any of Trump's campaigns for office.
Sylvester Stallone Denies QAnon Involvement
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But Stallone quickly put another post up, this one clarifying that people took the cap, the "Q" and the "Storm" in the worst way possible.
First, he edited the Instagram post, clarifying the "Storm" reference writing, "Heading into the Storm….As IN THUNDERSTORM!!! We are in a jet for god sake flying through the rain!"
Then, to soother the angst of his many fans, he put up a new post in which he also clarified why he was wearing a cap with a "Q" on it. Apparently, it was the logo of the boat he was on, called "Quantum of Solace". [Daniel Craig, are you reading this?]
Fans were more than happy to stand like a rock, behind their Rocky, one writing, "People have nothing better to do! Go get 'em ROCKY!"
Guess all is well for now in the Stallone family and Rocky/Rambo has not crossed over yet, and he said it right, "So folks, The moral of the story is… Enjoy your lives and let other people enjoy theirs. So Keep Punching!"