
Atlanta's Mayoral Candidate Reportedly Wants To Shut Down Strip Clubs?!
By Mike Walters on November 29, 2021 at 5:06 PM EST
Updated on March 16, 2022 at 6:05 PM EDT
Rapper T.I. is slamming an Atlanta, Georgia mayoral candidate claiming she will attempt to "shut down all strip clubs in the city" if elected.
The famous musician took to Instagram to air his position on the subject, sharing a news article about the woman promising to "close all strip clubs" if she gets into office. This week, citizens of Atlanta, Georgia will vote on a new mayor, and one of the candidates is apparently a woman named Felicia Moore. According to one report, there are possible plans to change zoning for clubs, so that they are forced to get "special use permission" to open a club in the city.
A video circulated on Twitter, of Moore discussing a similar issue during a city council meeting.
The 'T.I. and Tiny: The Family Hustle'star slammed the candidate on IG, claiming that his way of life is "being threatened."
Rapper T.I. -- What's Atlanta, Georgia Without Any Strip Clubs?!
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"If you're a club owner, a bartender, a dancer, promoter, valet driver, or just a visitor who subscribes to the culture of this city... understand that OUR LIVELIHOODS & WAYS OF LIFE is being threatened. I'd hate for you to wake up tomorrow and your destiny now rests in the hands of people who could care less about your concerns or best interests... THE TIME IS NOW‼️" he wrote.
He continued, "Your hustle WILL be halted & our city WILL GO to the right-wing conservatives who been looking for ways to stop the shine of the culture. Don't wait till it's too late to make a difference‼️ GO VOTE (Andre Dickens) TOMORROW‼️ Or pack it up & head elsewhere cause it'll NEVER be the same again."
It should be noted, it's not clear that Moore would actually "shut down" any strip clubs or somehow have any influence over stopping existing clubs from getting permits. But obviously, a notable Hip-Hip blog and famous rapper believe this could be part of the agenda. Again, based on the video, it's not clear that shutting all strip clubs down is on the table, or even legal. In one report, MTO News is claiming the mayor hopeful has "radical policies towards the city's nightlife and strip clubs."
It's Unclear If Mayoral Candidate Is Actually Considering It

T.I.'s followers agreed with the sentiment, with one responding, "Taking strip clubs out of Atlanta is like removing casinos from Vegas." Another added, "First of all I don't even live in Atlanta but when I come....it's for the booty clubs."
Felicia Moore made headlines last year after videos inside Atlanta's most popular bars and strip clubs, made the rounds, showing patrons wearing no masks. At the time, Moore called it "startling" that people weren't taking the pandemic more seriously. "If they were out doing all that partying this weekend, they should self-quarantine and they ought to get tested," Moore said according to the Atlanta-Journal Constitution. Adding, "In the nightclubs, they were packed in like sardines."
Footage Of Inside Atlanta's Top Nightclubs, Strip Clubs Go Viral For Maskless Crowds

"It’s a big concern, and I would not be surprised to see the numbers go up again as they did over Memorial Day weekend and the Fourth of July, additionally, for the Black community which has been disproportionately affected during this pandemic, it was startling to witness our youth engaging in behaviors which may ultimately affect the health of their more vulnerable family members," she said.
We've reached out to the mayoral candidate for reaction to the allegations, and T.I.'s comments, so far no comment.