'Money Heist' Questions Fans Need Answers To for The New Season
By Favour Adegoke on November 14, 2021 at 7:12 PM EST
Since volume 1 of season five ended with such a cliffhanger, fans have been eagerly waiting for the second volume and final installment of "Money Heist." After watching the first volume of the fifth season, viewers have come up with more questions than answers, making them even more anxious for the series finale.
This series has been popular since its release in 2017 when the characters' red jumpsuits and Salvador Dali masks caught the eye of fans. The first volume of season five didn't just end with a cliffhanger; it also marked a major turning point in the Spanish series.
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As the show's finale draws closer, fans can only hope that The Professor and the gang can make one more clean getaway while facing one of their most powerful opponents ever: the army.
The much anticipated second volume is set to come out on December 3, 2021. Meanwhile, let's look through some questions that need to be answered by the series finale.
Was Tokyo Killed?
Due to her role as narrator, this is one of the most pressing questions on every fan's mind. In volume one of season five, Tokyo created a diversion so her teammates could escape Gandìa and the other assailants, but it apparently cost her life.
While the officials fired at them, Tokyo took most of the bullets and then set off the grenades on her body which caused an explosion and took Gandía down with her.

Unlike when Nairobi and Berlin were executed, the scene didn't show when Tokyo died, but fans are still skeptical that she could have survived the explosion.
The trailer's release for the final series dashed whatever hope fans held because it showed Denver in tears, saying, "Tokyo is dead." The next clip showed Rio mourning the fellow thief as well. The question on everyone's mind is who will take over the narration? Will the Professor step up, or will it be Rio, Tokyo's old flame?
What Is In The Cards For Alicia Sierra In The Second Volume?
Our strait-laced Inspector Alicia Sierra made some shocking moves in the vol. one of season five in "Money Heist." After Tamayo accused her of aiding the heist in a press conference, Sierra decided to capture the mastermind and release him to the government.
She located Sergio's hideout and captured the Professor, but her pregnancy disrupted her arrest attempt.

While with the Professor and his two accomplices, Sierra's water broke, and she had him help her give birth. She ended up releasing the Professor, and he went into hiding.
This season showed that the brutal and unforgiving inspector has a human side. It also hinted at a possible alliance with the Professor. However, there was a scene where she hid nail clippers in her clothes while in the restroom. Could she be plotting against the gang while trying to bring down Tamayo?
How Important Are The Flashbacks Of Berlin's Life?
For someone who died in season two, Berlin has made many appearances in the rest of the series to date. The flashbacks of seasons four and five showed his hand in the Bank of Spain heist and his marriage to Tatiana, a classical pianist, and fellow thief. The season also revealed his son, whom he made a security hacker for the heist to steal 12 kilograms worth of gold.
The question burning on everyone's mind now is; why do flashbacks of Berlin's life keep showing up? How important will it be to the show?
Although it seems farfetched, some fans suspect that Berlin is still alive and will make his comeback in the final season. This rumor gained more weight when Berlin's character, Pedro Alonso, responded to the comments with, "Be careful what you wish for!"
Another character fans are wondering about is Tatiana. Many fan theories point out her resemblance with Sierra and wonder if there's a connection between them, except their love for the same man.
The buildup to her character has made fans wonder if she'll make an appearance in the final volume of the series.
How Will The Gang Get The Gold Out?
Sergio is definitely the smartest character in the series and usually has an endless store of plan Bs. So it is really shocking when he apologizes to the gang for his lack of a plan and the discovery of his hideout.
His flashback with Lisbon showed the importance of the stormwater tank as Sergio's base and where the gold is supposed to be let out at the end of the heist. The entire plan will fail if that area is compromised.
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With Sierra's discovery of the hideout, who knows what could happen in the next installment?
Will the Professor devise a plan that could save the gang in time? Or is this when Tatiana and Rafael come into the scene? Fans will have to wait and see in the next and final installment of "Money Heist" on Netflix.