Paul McCartney Urges World Leaders To Adopt A Plant Based Treaty
By TheBlast Staff on November 9, 2021 at 10:20 AM EST
One step ahead, Paul McCartney has taken the step and urged the world leader at the COP26 meet to adopt a plant-based treaty.
Meat Free Mondays
Paul McCartney has been working for climatic causes since 2009 when he found the ‘Meat Free Mondays’ alongside his two daughters Mary and Stella.
The initiative works for the global cause that ‘encourages people to reverse the damage, safeguard the planet, slow climate change, conserve natural resources and improve their health by having at least one plant-based day each week.’

Keeping up with the spirit of not leaving nature behind, the British vocalist has joined elementaries like Ela Gandhi, Rooney Mara, and Phoenix to urge the delegates at the COP26 meet to adopt Plant-Based Treaty and accommodate in alongside the Paris Agreement, which aims at lowering the average earth temperature and reducing carbon emissions.
For The Earth
“The Earth is all we have and we must protect it. We believe in justice for animals, a healthier environment, and a better lifestyle for people. That is the main reason why we support the Plant-Based Treaty and urge individuals and governments to sign it and implement it at its best capacity.” the McCartneys said in a joint statement.

The Plant-Based Treaty aims at halting the expansion of animal agriculture and deforestation. It keeps an open mind at incentivizing a shift to a plant-based food system by redirecting subsidies, taxes, and public information campaigns.
Logical Backing Up
The statement was not made vaguely without any backing up by resources.
Anita Krajnc, the coordinator of the Plant-Based Treaty Global Campaign explained why this was a rather important and substantial step in changing the course of the planet towards a better tomorrow.
Anita explained, “We need this now more than ever because there is better acknowledgment. Scientists, government representatives, faith leaders, and now celebrity all around the world are voicing their concerns and are calling for a halt to the expansion of animal agriculture and deforestation. Movements and notions are calling for a shift to a plant-based food system, and reforestation and rewilding of land which will eventually benefit all.”

Moving on in the conversation, Anita also stated that “More and more people are recognizing that meat, dairy, and egg consumption are driving carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions, the three major greenhouse gases, and destroying nature as we know it. Now we need COP26 delegates and other leaders to acknowledge it and take action that has been long overdue. Not just for the people of being for generations to come.”
Plant Based Treaty Is Essential
Fleur Dawes, Communications Director for In Defense of Animals who is partnered with the Plant-Based Treaty and proudly mentioned that he is thrilled that the McCartneys have joined with the Plant-Based Treaty to call on COP26 leaders to tackle the adverse effects of climate change.
In a video last month, climate vocalist Moby said that the world is facing a climate catastrophe and especially a methane emergency, which we need to tackle.
This year at the COP26, he said it is essential to strike a global agreement about a shift to a plant-based food system.